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Old 24-04-2010, 20:00   #251
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Could have got one for anyone that asked, but no-one did.
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Old 25-04-2010, 01:17   #252
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Originally Posted by divine View Post
The other intriguing thing about that video was the responses they gave about why they wanted one. It's almost as if they didn't really know why they wanted one or what they'd use it for
Exactly, i'm yet to think of a real reason why i'd ever need one. I mean, it's just a tablet PC to me, they've been around for years and i'm yet to see someone doing something i'd actually find useful on one.

Time will tell i guess.

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Old 25-04-2010, 09:35   #253
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I agree, the iPad doesn't actually replace anything, it can't replace a Laptop/Netbook, nor is it close to matching the iPhone, it's basically a massive iPod Touch, but not as mobile, so you can't stick it in your pocket.

It doesn't actually fit anywhere, it's pretty much only a *cool* device. Don't get me wrong, I want one, I use my iPod Touch all the time in house, but the iPad is undoubtedly something everyone could happily live without.
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Old 25-04-2010, 09:41   #254
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Having said numerous times that I see no use for an iPad, I seem to be changing my mind.

I spend a lot of time working abroad and use my iPhone for watching movies and the like when I'm on a plane, train, in a hotel or whatever. The iPhone screen isn't big enough for my liking and my work laptop is too big to use evne when I'm flying business class.

An iPad would be about the right size. That said, for the amount of £ they cost I can make do with the iPhone. That may change next time I visit the US though.
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Old 25-04-2010, 09:47   #255
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Archos units have filled that gap in the market for years now (video playback). Even going away I'd be more inclined to take a laptop given how many more options it leaves open that an iPad can't do, especially for the price.
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Old 25-04-2010, 09:59   #256
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I do take a laptop when going away, but it's too big to be able to use comfortably when on a flight, even in business class. Same goes for the Eurostar if you end up with a Solo seat (as I did twice on Tuesday) which has a folding table thing - the laptop is too big.

I could get a smaller laptop but that would make the work side of things a bit more of a faff. I'm going to have a look at an Archos unit, but I can't ignore the iPad - the idea of connectivity on the move with a single box is quite interesting. The price however, isn't.
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Old 25-04-2010, 10:37   #257
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They are far too expensive, but you come to expect that with pretty much all Apple products, it's just what they do.

The only thing that would put me off watching video's on the iPad is having to hold it out in front of you, although I'm sure some smart fellow will come up with a nice, usable stand at some point.
I like the idea of the connectivity, but the 3G side of it all comes at even more expense doesn't it? Without that you're left purely with Wi-Fi, which is definitely better than it was, but still far from perfect.

However, if I had the money to spend and not necessarily miss it, then I would most likely go with the iPad anyway.
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Old 25-04-2010, 10:42   #258
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Originally Posted by Burble View Post
I do take a laptop when going away, but it's too big to be able to use comfortably when on a flight, even in business class. Same goes for the Eurostar if you end up with a Solo seat (as I did twice on Tuesday) which has a folding table thing - the laptop is too big.

I could get a smaller laptop but that would make the work side of things a bit more of a faff. I'm going to have a look at an Archos unit, but I can't ignore the iPad - the idea of connectivity on the move with a single box is quite interesting. The price however, isn't.
Buy a netbook? My Dell mini ticks all your boxes HD screen 3g tiny immense battery life (but im cheating using te big battery) , card reader HDMI out its even got a DVB-t tuner! I got min for £208, but that was a misprice its still incredibly cheap, and small enough to take round with your real laptop Can do infinitely more things than the iPad
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Old 25-04-2010, 10:48   #259
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What about a netbook? About half the price of an iPad, widescreen which will be slightly better for films and sits very nicely (perfectly in fact) on the little fold down train tables rather than needing to be held up by hand for 2 hours :P

Perhaps a bit OTT if you already have a laptop though a netbook isn't really a huge amount bigger than an iPad.
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Old 25-04-2010, 10:49   #260
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Originally Posted by LeperousDust View Post
Buy a netbook? My Dell mini ticks all your boxes HD screen 3g tiny immense battery life (but im cheating using te big battery) , card reader HDMI out its even got a DVB-t tuner! I got min for £208, but that was a misprice its still incredibly cheap, and small enough to take round with your real laptop Can do infinitely more things than the iPad
Already got one - a Dell Mini 9 running OS X. To be honest, I'd forgotten about it!

It's definitely an option, but not ideal - the screen doesn't angle far enough back to make it comfortable for watching for long periods. I took it with me when I took a train from New York City to Niagara Falls and had to prop the thing up with some books after getting a bit of a sore neck.

The other snag is that the PSU is huge, totally disproportionate for the size of the machine. When I'm travelling for work I take a lot of stuff with me and even the netbook and PSU are a bit too big.

I'm not saying the iPad is perfect, the price tag is absolutely hurrendous but it does negate some of the problems with other bits of kit. Nowhere near enough though to make me pay UK prices. US prices? Well, maybe, but it'd be a whim purchase and I've got other things I need to buy before splashign more cash on Apple stuff.
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