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Old 31-12-2010, 17:47   #11
Vodka Martini
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Join Date: Feb 2009
Location: Exeter
Posts: 753

As always, entirely PC-centric. I would really like to get into consoles, but I'm just so rubbish without my keyboard and mouse. Plus I never get the telly.

Single player gaming experience of the year: Modern Warfare 2. Yes it was released in 2009, but I only bought it in 2010. Best on-rails shooter I've played for a long time.

Multiplayer gaming experience of the year: Bad Company 2.

Biggest Letdown of the year: F1 2010. It's an incredibly competent simulation, very detailed, very faithful. Unfortunately, for me, that doesn't make for a good game. I've used it mainly to get familiar with the tracks as they come up in the calendar, which has made me TV viewing more enjoyable. But off-season, I've felt no desire to play it over Trackmania

Surprise of the year: New Super Mario Bros Wii. Another 2009 game I didn't pick up until this year. It was a surprise to actually find a game both me and the missus enjoyed playing.

Game or gaming innovation you're most excited about for 2011: Portal 2. I know it can't possibly live up to the surprise hit that was Portal. But the previews just look absolutely fantastic.
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