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Old 29-04-2011, 08:49   #851
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Originally Posted by Lozza View Post
Just putting this out there for you runners.. may not be of use to everyone, not a vast amount of locations.


Basically you sign up get a barcode and every week you do an organised timed 5k run.. your times are recorded on the site for records so you can see how your doing.

It's free, might be one near you for some added fun!
Kate told me about these and I was really hopeing that there would be one nearby but the closest is in Whitstable which is a bit of a trek. I'm keeping an eye open to see if they open one in Maidstone or nearby. The local running shop have run nights with a beginners run on a Monday, I'm still deciding what kind of runner I am; a solitary runner or a social runner and whether I need a club or not.

Originally Posted by Jonny69 View Post
Which bit is letting go Matt? Is it your legs giving up or are you running out of breath?
I'm not really sure, I body just seems to want to stop and rest a bit, I don't think it's my legs and I'm not ny more short of breath than I usually, my body just seems to beg me for a break .

When I get tired I sometimes say to myself, just keep running till you get to (point a) and almost before I've got there I'm subconciously slowing to a halt rather than being able to say 'right, now we've got here we'll keep going and try to get to there)

My times aren't bad and I'm getting better but I'm still not getting 4k without being desperate for a break, although even then I'm still walking pretty quickly


"we had roots that grew towards each other underground, and when all the pretty blossom had fallen from our branches we found that we were one tree and not two"
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Old 29-04-2011, 10:05   #852
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Oooh there's a park run just up the road from me at Ashton Court - as it started as of last week and runs every weekend that'd be great!... Think I'm busy this weekend though...

Good work on just being out there Matt - with every run you can take the knowledge that you're improving your body/fitness even if the results aren't as speedy as you might like. Run on run you don't always notice the difference, but once you reach a milestone/race you will look back at what you were like on the first runs and won't believe it

Keep it up everyone
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Old 29-04-2011, 10:13   #853
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I'm definitely a solitary runner. It feels like other people are in my way if I run with more than one other person. Plus I don't think I could run consistently without music. It's a shame really as the times I've been out with other people I've had much more adventurous runs.
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Old 29-04-2011, 14:01   #854
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Some events ban headphones - grr!

I'm running Bristol 10k with someone much, much fitter and faster than me so I'll have them providing me with any motivation
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Old 29-04-2011, 14:36   #855
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Originally Posted by Jingo View Post
Some events ban headphones - grr!

I'm running Bristol 10k with someone much, much fitter and faster than me so I'll have them providing me with any motivation
To be fair, it's damn annoying when you're shouting "CAR" at someone who's running in front of you in the middle of the road with their music on, completely oblivious to everything going on around them. For races on roads which aren't closed then I'm in full agreement with banning headphones. I've only ever worn them for 1 race (first half mara) and had them really quiet. I listen to music if I'm pounding the streets alone, but otherwise I don't want or need it.

Oooooh Cecil, what have you done?
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Old 29-04-2011, 16:08   #856
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I think you're right about the busy road ones - I only ever have 'one ear in' for my own safety for the same reasons.

I often run without earphones - but I certainly find my music really helps when i'm struggling and a great tune comes on - it's like a turbo boost
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Old 30-04-2011, 09:45   #857
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Originally Posted by Jingo View Post
I think you're right about the busy road ones - I only ever have 'one ear in' for my own safety for the same reasons.

I often run without earphones - but I certainly find my music really helps when i'm struggling and a great tune comes on - it's like a turbo boost
Yeah agreed. I always do my tempo runs with music as it really spurs me on. On my loooong slow runs or cross country though, I'm happy to listen to the birds chirping in the trees and the sound of my own feet plodding along

Had a cracking run this morning with a friend from running club. It was almost entirely off road and we ran up Bardon Hill which is the highest point in Leicestershire. I've been up there loads before, but I actually ran the whole way for once. It is a VERY steep climb, even if you're walking! The view off the top was well worth it though. Magnificent

Oooooh Cecil, what have you done?
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Old 30-04-2011, 10:56   #858
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Wow I used to love peak running but just haven't been up to that level of fitness for years - when trying to force myself up a gert big steep hill, the spectacular views are necessary for motivation!

Once you got to the top did you pump your fists in the air like Rocky? (If a helicopter happened to be doing an aerial video of you at this point I'd love to see it )

I'm going to sneak out for a quick run later as I haven't been in a week and need to just get out - short/long/slow/fast - whatever!
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Old 03-05-2011, 21:55   #859
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Won't be doing the 5K tomorrow. Been stuck in bed with a virus since Friday and it's far from over
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Old 05-05-2011, 09:03   #860
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Boo Jonny

I ran 6km on Sat in 40mins

Just wanted to log.

Going to go for a run tonight, but am totally exhausted.

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