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Old 17-05-2011, 21:02   #101
Screaming Orgasm
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Wouldn't have believed that garden possible when I was there last year. Did you find any more toys or other less-desirable surprises?
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Old 19-12-2011, 19:26   #102
Deep Throat
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Bit of a late update!

Been doing so much it's crazy! With new business and what it's been up to eye balls!

Pretty much everything is done now! The house is decorated, fully operational and very homely Over the weekend we had fun drilling out concrete and putting up fencing outside! Last bit of fence yet to go up and drive way then needs to be stoned but other than that, done! All done!


We've decided to stay here for the next few months and then rent this place whilst we're away for a year/year and half Really chuffed looking back at the photos... it's been a big job and I've learned so so much but loved every minute of it! From sleeping on dusty floors to having only a screw tap for water and a bucket to wash in in winter, to building walls, decking, painting, kitchens, electrics, plumbing bathrooms... the lot. I've loved it!

Some comparison shots for you:

Upstairs there were two rooms separated for a bathroom and a toilet... all a bit manky!

Ripped it all out, knocked through a few walls and rebuilt a couple of studs...

Ended up with this:

There's a sink behind to the left too and cabinet And don't worry I didn't get rid of the rusty iron bath nor give it to the gyppos (note... they did try and nick it when I stored it out front but I ran out of the house when it was snowing, in my undies, shouting obscenities to get rid of them! Gits!)


I ripped the kitchen right up! On the right I took out the chimney and part of the wall to make a part open plan kitchen diner with a seated bench area.

To the left hand side there was a larder sectioned off with a window and door (of which Creature took out with his foot ) I knocked all this down too, filled in the window and boshed in an ikea kitchen

And now I am left with this... Door at the back goes to the utility room and downstairs toilet. I need to put a glass panel door there buut I am being a bargain princess and waiting for a glass panel door to come up that's cheap (30" door... pain in the bum to find)

Bit of poor photography and WAY too much crap about... but this is the view into the dining room now! Taken on a daaaaaark day when all our light bulbs had blown


All the rooms have been done! Need to move some furniture about but we have a lovely large guest room, a work out/study room (still a double if needed) and our bedroom at the back! I cannot believe I had to live like this last year... I hug my bed every night I get into it and smile remembering the collapsing bed I had and wall paper that would fall off on my head at night! Haha!

All the rooms have furniture and I even treated myself to Dave... my piano! Dave is amazing and has pride of place in the Dining room!


As you know the garden took a heck of a lot of work! Have now got a huuge decking area with steps down... need to cut the railings lower and thread through some rope but not had a chance to pick up any rope yet! Boo hiss!

Painted up the housey (and had fun drawing dinosaurs and things )

Big difference... cannot wait to get the fence and stones sorted Should take a day to sort! The last thing I will do is dip the front door... but that'll be the grand finale! I tell you what... I was a bit wibbly knee'd at the top of the ladders painting! I dropped a paint brush once and Sam went to climb up the bottom to pass it up and I just screamed like a little girl, clung on like crazy and whimpered! Such a ladder wuss! Haha!

Altogether I budgeted for about £30k's worth of work thinking I could push it for about £20k. I've managed to do everything for £25k! Whoop! Ikea was a bargain for the kitchen and the bathroom was a sale item too. I *could* have reduced the sum down by a grand maybe two as had some help in from a builder who is a legend to do odd jobs. Now I know how certain things are done I can do them myself in future... but for the time I wanted to do it in and the quality (I would have royally messed up on the things he helped out with) he was well worth the moolah! Worked with him all the time though so I could learn!

I have also included the furniture in that sum too... which I didn't budget for before as it's stuff I will take with me. So there's two beds, two massive oak wardrobes, two side cabinets, two large drawer sets, a huge three seater sofa and piano in all of that costing. I will keep all of these items and because I decided to get really top quality I've spent about £2500 on these.

So in theory... I've done it in £22,500!


As said I will not be selling but will get in an estate agent for a quote! Hopefully if I can get some tenants in I will make a tidy £400 easily a month on this place whilst away and they can pay off my mortgage until I return!
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Old 19-12-2011, 19:51   #103
Crispy Coated
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Originally Posted by Pheebs View Post
a window and door (of which Creature took out with his foot )
That was a good day.

House looks absolutely fantastic, can't wait to come and see it all nice and completed in the new year.
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Old 20-12-2011, 00:01   #104
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Fantastic, so jealous, i could just never get any credit to sort this kind of thing out. I did ask around after all. But credit is obviously laughable in this climate apparently...

I've lived in the same flat now for close to a year myself, and i really struggle to *not* spend money and fix things up to a plainly nice standard. I hate living somewhere i can't really invest in.

I suppose I could complain to my landlord about the doors that don't shut (no handle/mechanism!), aren't hung straight (open/close themselves), general STATE of the wood floor, rubbish kitchen units (even just changing the doors would go a LONG way). Christ the décor in general is PAP. But it's not worth the hassle or stress of having builders or whatever in, assuming he would agree (he wouldn't), i'd rather just do it myself and reap my own rewards. But why really bother in a place i probably won't stay much longer...?

In the mean-time this flat does a fine job of housing me so i can't complain either i guess... Dilemma!
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Old 20-12-2011, 00:32   #105
Deep Throat
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Hehe chrispy you're always welcome here!! I'm getting a kinect for chrimbo so you'll have to come dance!!

Ld - that does suck there's a few part ownership odds out there but its not ideal and always costly hoping you can get a deposit together Mr and find a good mortgage. I'm so lucky to be able to do this, its always been my dream! You'll get there
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Old 20-12-2011, 01:33   #106
Crispy Coated
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Originally Posted by Pheebs View Post
Hehe chrispy you're always welcome here!! I'm getting a kinect for chrimbo so you'll have to come dance!!
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Old 20-12-2011, 02:05   #107
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Funny i wouldn't say it's a dream, but i know i'd actually enjoy it greatly, and would beat renting i guess as well! I'm sure i will eventually. I guess i need to get a real job first as well, and chirst knows how i'll do that!
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Old 20-12-2011, 19:23   #108
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Haha! Every house should have dinosaurs painted on it

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Old 20-12-2011, 22:12   #109
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I heart your house Pheebs Even back when I visited, it oozes so much charm like its owner

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Old 20-12-2011, 23:09   #110
Deep Throat
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LD - you can dooo ittt! Become a banana pr0n star

Psy - Dinosaurs, Zombies, Pirates, Muppets and Monkeys. All make me happy

Mondo - What are you saying!!? Are you saying I'm over grown, old, muddy, manky and a bit rough around the edges?! Hahaha! Spank you mister
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