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Old 24-04-2012, 21:40   #2861
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Not so much irrational as grumpy old woman....

Manufacturers that put mice (the computer sort) in sort of moulded plastic casing but have it in a high sided box. It teases you into thinking that you can actually get a feel of if it will be comfortable only for the edge of the box to be in the way so you can't. Yes Razer I'm looking at you *stares*
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Old 24-04-2012, 21:53   #2862
A cat wearing a wet suit
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Uber niche but here goes:

Telegraph Subscriber tokens that we take at work - we are meant to write Till Number/Initial/Cost of paper on them for ease of sorting in the cash office later on and this was fine until the price went up recently. It used to be £1 and the small space in the top right of the voucher was perfect.

Now the price is £1.20 and that just doesn't fit neatly. AT ALL! :RAGE:

Oh and sometimes the tokens are glossy and my pen doesn't work on those!

The other one is unclean people - 2 spring to mind:

1) Lady that always come in after visiting her horses but hasn't changed out of her clothes. Mud all over top and bottoms and stinking of horses/manure etc. Mings hard that does. Not as bad as....

2) Cat Pee Lady. Actually there is 2 of them. Both old ladies who both reek of Cat Pee/Ammonia. You can smell them a mile off and it makes me gag every time!

No need!

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Old 25-04-2012, 14:02   #2863
Do you want to hide in my box?
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Completely irrational one: People who say 'Oh my goodness' to everything of any note while online (Facebook, Twitter etc) but NEVER in person. It just seems so fake to me when I know how the person talks normally. Winds me up for some bizarre reason

Note: No idea if anyone on here tweets/messages that saying a lot but if you do, I don't mean you Someone work related is the culprit!
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Old 25-04-2012, 15:35   #2864
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I say that to Penny... beats saying "What the ****!"
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Old 25-04-2012, 16:18   #2865
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Well that makes sense in that context!
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Old 26-04-2012, 19:17   #2866
Crispy Coated
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I say 'Frick sake' in polite company, or 'coconut' instead of 'c***' but they're the only two time's I don't swear.

Psy, as for your smelly people thing. I work with a guy that for the last week has worn the same shirt and trousers. For most people that's pretty bad right? For this guy, it's normal. He's worn the same pair of underwear for 2 WEEKS now. Yes, they are the same pair, they have a hole in the top of them, which you can see as his trousers hang underneath his arse.

Before anyone says I should complain. Students and other staff members have, and he's been told numerous times to change his attitude but hasn't. I really don't know how he's not been fired yet.

Oh, and he smokes too, amplifying the smell.
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Old 27-04-2012, 11:02   #2867
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I like saying 'Frack' Or 'Oh my WORD', but I do say that in r/l. I will say goodness or gosh, but again, I do say that in r/l too, it depends on the company. I just always take the opinion that when with friends, I can say pretty much what I like, but on somewhere like Twitter, it's nicer to be a little more cautious or polite when you can, because some people are sensitive little souls (though I'm sure they'd unfollow during a rant if so!) . And half my bloody family follow me on FB too, so I'd get my legs slapped if I have too foul a mouth. Besides, it's not ladylike *arranges bonnet*

I hate smelly people, at least when there's no need for it.

Mine for today: Why is that when you order new glasses, it's like waiting for Christmas; time begins to move with infinite slowness. I've only been waiting since Saturday, I've got another week to go, it feels like it's been years and my eyes are killing me from wearing my lenses too much (the dog ATE the arm on my other glasses so they won't stay on). Being blind as a bat, I can't not wear them. It's driving me mad, I feel like I ordered these damn gigs in 1984 and they still haven't arrived

Oh, and while I'm at it. PASSBLOODYBOLLOCKINGWORDRESTRICTIONS. Look, let's face it. If you want 15 letters with 3 x symbols, 3 x numbers and a mix of Upper/Lower case letters, that can't be anything remotely like any of my last 150 passwords, then I'm probably not going to remember it. Especially when you want me to have a different one for every thing I log in to. And I'm not allowed to write it down. So, I end up requesting a password reset/reminder EVERY FRACKING TIME, which ultimately means it's less secure than if I was allowed to choose an 8 letter world with a capital letter and a number. YES?
"You only get one life. There's no God, no rules, except for those you accept or create for yourself. Then once it's over... it's over. Dreamless sleep for ever and ever. So why not be happy while you're here?" Nate Fisher

Last edited by Kitten; 27-04-2012 at 11:06.
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Old 27-04-2012, 11:30   #2868
Do you want to hide in my box?
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Originally Posted by Kitten View Post
I like saying 'Frack' Or 'Oh my WORD', but I do say that in r/l. I will say goodness or gosh, but again, I do say that in r/l too, it depends on the company. I
And that's the difference! Guess my main annoyance with his use of it is it comes across as ridiculously fake and I don't get why people would use words online that they would never use in person! Use of swear words on Twitter is far from a no no in my industry so it's certainly not that.
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Old 27-04-2012, 12:07   #2869
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Oh I understand completely.
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Old 29-04-2012, 16:24   #2870
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Originally Posted by Psymonkee View Post
1) Lady that always come in after visiting her horses but hasn't changed out of her clothes. Mud all over top and bottoms and stinking of horses/manure etc. Mings hard that does.
Originally Posted by Psymonkee View Post
2) Cat Pee Lady. Actually there is 2 of them. Both old ladies who both reek of Cat Pee/Ammonia. You can smell them a mile off and it makes me gag every time!

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