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Old 07-04-2007, 14:10   #1
Jonny69's Avatar
Join Date: Oct 2006
Location: Socialist Republik of Kent
Posts: 5,032
Default Does food shopping stress you out?

I'm starting to really avoid food shopping, I literally hate going to the supermarket.

First off it's not very far away so I walk there but I have to cross my road at a point where people are either nailing it off the roundabout onto my road or slowing down from usually way over the 30 limit. So they nose dive the car and look all braced up inside because they are braking way harder than they would have to if they were sticking somewhere near the speed limit. Men regularly don't stop and glare at you standing at crossing, women always stop. ALWAYS, even if it means an emergency maneouver. Sometimes a child might fly into the front of the car from the back.

The kind of entrance parade to the supermarket is an open area with a couple of benches and it's either occupied by some down and outs drinking Tennents Super T (although they don't ever bother me) or it's a hoard of kids. Generally they are being unsavoury, spitting everywhere, making lots of noise and making it hard to get a clear walk through. Sometimes vandalising the place and I've called the police once.

Outside the entrance itself is street spam. The same middle-eastern guy selling the Big Issue who has been selling it there for the last 2 years or so, only now he's not the spotty teenager he was when he first turned up. This irritates me. Get a damn job or learn that I see you probably 2-3 times a week. Every time I walk past you say softly "Beeg Issuuuuue" and in 2 years I've never wanted to buy your magazine. That's potentially up to 300 times you've seen me, you must recognise me by now.

The shop is literally packed with people who have never seen a supermarket before, or at least have never been to this one. They don't know where anything is zigzagging from one thing back to another. Oh and they're blind too, they can't see me because they just push their trolley without looking what they are about to push it into: me. I can only assume they drive like that too so I'm glad I walk to the supermarket. The screaming kids. And how can little old dears take up so much space? Is it their right to push me out the way to get to their carrots?

On the subject of olds why is Friday in the Supermarket like walking into a geriatric ward in the hospital? These people have *all week* to do their shopping but they still choose to do it all on a Friday or Saturday morning. Then there are the screaming kids, don't get me started on the screaming kids.

So that's it, I've fought to get my items in my basket and I've made my way to a queue. The other queues naturally move faster than mine but that's not what's bothering me at this point. Why does the person behind me have to stand so close? This is my space and you are invading it. Their shopping bashes my legs or they shove their basket forwards and it touches the backs of my feet. Does it not register to these people that other people are there? Had the other queues not been going down quicker than mine I might have considered allowing them to go first and I'll run through the uncomfortably close procedure myself.

The belt on the packing end of the till powers all my shopping down to the end and forces the heavier shopping to crush my veg. The plastic packaging audibly warns the operator that it is in trouble but its screams of pain are ignored. I have loaded it on the other end so that it is comparted into veg, meat, dairy and finally bread but the operator manages to mix it all up thus foiling my plan of simple efficient packing as it comes through and my shopping ends up crushed.

But finally I'm free, back through the kids, take my life in my own hands crossing the road and I arrive home stressed, posting about it on the internet. Does shopping stress anyone else out?

Added to my blog as usual for safe keeping...
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