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Old 02-06-2007, 10:39   #1
Deep Throat
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Join Date: Jul 2006
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Talking Aubergine and Feta Cheese Stacks

OMG this one's SUPERB! It was SOOOOOO sexy... my taste buds virtually fused with the food... it was like a marriage made in heaven! And yet... so simple!

I have pics but not with me so I'll post em when I get home!

For 2 people (for picky it wasn't a meal but a side order... I could have just had it by itself though!)

1 Large Aubergine
1/2 pack of Feta (you know.. the rectangular type sized ones you can get)
4 Medium-Large Tomatoes (chopped into medium sized cubey pieces)
1 Crushed Garlic Glove
A Handful of fresh Basil, finely chopped


1. Chuck on the oven at Gas Mark 4/5 (as in... turn it on... don't puke on it)
2. Cut the Aubergine into roughly 2cm slices (so they're round shaped). Plonk them into a medium heat pan and fry for 3-4 minutes either side. Try to use olive oil to cook, but if you canny use oil then put in a splash of water to save them from burning (don't flood it... just to keep it moist. Hehehe. Moist. A word that never fails to make me laugh!) When they're done whack em on a plate on the side.
3. Throw the tomatoes, Basil, garlic and crumbled feta into a big bowl. Season very well (crushed black pepper if you can) and mix.
4. In same pan as aubergines were, plonk in the mix and whizz em round for a couple of minutes until heated through.
5. Get you're largest aubergine circle and put it on a baking tray. Spoon on some of your mixture, then stick a smaller aubergine slice on top. Continue until leaning tower of pisa affect takes place. Make another.
6. Any left over mixture - put it in around the stacks and then throw them all into the oven for 12-15mins!


Serve on a bed of spinach!

All in all it takes about 10mins prep but about 30mins cooking altogether! Real great and simple starter if you were entertaining - but like I said - it's a meal in itself for me!

Piccies will come soon so watch this space and cover your keyboards for spontaneous dribbalage!
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