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Old 22-11-2007, 12:58   #1
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Default Footballers = overpaid muppets?

Decided to start a new thread on this rather than clog up the other one.

Originally Posted by Feek View Post
"Hey you overpayed tw**s, go out there and play a game. Try and play it better than the other overpayed tw**s please. Score some goals if you can!"
Originally Posted by Nutcase View Post
And what players there are, as fantastically overpaid
Originally Posted by Will View Post
They're still overpaid muppets
Obviously the opinion from some people (most?) is that footballers are overpaid. I've had thoughts on this for some time but never really mentioned it till now. The main thought I have is - footballers are not overpaid, at least not more than a lot of other people who never get slated for the money they earn.

Football is an industry like any other. You have people at the top end, and people at the bottom end. The lower league footballers probably don't earn much more than me (an IT Technician), yet the top footballers can earn millions. This is comparable to so many other businesses and industries, where lowly workers struggle on minimum wage, while the directors at huge international firms get paid millions of pounds each year.

Why is it that only footballers seem to get slated about the money they earn? I never hear people say actors are overpaid, or musicians. Denzel Washington got paid roughly £20m for his last film, yet probably only did about 3-6 months work on it. No footballer in the world earns that kind of money. How about the top musicians? They can earn millions for a top selling album, and millions more from a tour, yet all they do is sing or play an instrument.

I know people are going to argue that all they get paid to do is to run around a field kicking a ball, and though I feel that's a very narrow view (the amount of training required to stay fit is unbelievable), the same comments never seem to get thrown anywhere else. Tiger Woods earns more a year than pretty much every footballer, but all he does is hit a little ball around, he doesn't even run after it. Hell, Lewis Hamilton gets paid millions for sitting on his arse in a car.

Yes footballers at the top level do get paid huge amounts of money, more in a week than I make in 5 years. I do wish I was paid as much as they do. However, why is it only footballers who get slated for the money they earn? Why does no-one else get called "overpaid muppets"?

Over to you.

Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness, that most frightens us. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine as children do. It's not just in some of us; it is in everyone. And as we let our own lights shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.

Last edited by Davey_Pitch; 22-11-2007 at 13:08.
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