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Old 29-11-2007, 14:50   #11
Deep Throat
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Join Date: Jul 2006
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As people have said - each and everyone have their own reasons to be borrowed in the wonderful world of BD... but currently...

As I am doing work at home and like having "music" breaks once in a while, today I would like to borrow both Garp and Belmit, so I could stick them in my cupboard and come my "break time" I could open it and have them belt out some CHOONS so I can groove

Oh and in the cupboard next to it I would have Will, so when I was feeling poopy I could open it and he could shout out "BORGIGNOUN" (I love that word far too much)

Oh and there's a few midgys flying around at the moment too. So Goose, The Ultimate Fly Assassin, is currently required.

Oh my lord... there are so many more... I need Roberta for my gym instruction and/or Aitch and Huddy and Kell to make me run/go running with them/exercise, Mei mei for her cooking, Kitten and Piggy and Blackstar and all the rest of the ladies for fashion advice, Vix for entertainment value, Treefrog... because he shoves cakes in my face and I like cakes... particularly in my face, Tak for moral support and poke-ability, Lep Dust/Lozza/Mark/MB/Beansprout so they can sort out my webby, Fakesnake and Haly to play poota games with and and and....... Kitchen Meister and Kaoiwas to do entertainment (like run around on stilts) and and and.... SO MANY MORE!

eeeeeeeeee *POP*

EVERYONE! I WANT EVERYONE! For all reasons and many more!! I will build cupboards for you to all live in! And feed you cake and pie. Nom.

Mmm. Cake and pie. *gargles*
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