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Old 01-07-2008, 10:39   #1
Vodka Martini
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Default What to do with Zimbabwe and Africa

I was watching the news last night and it just reinforced my idea that we live in pretty messed up times. What with attrocities in Myanmar still fresh in the memory, the events in Zimbabwe over the past few days it begs the question what more should the international community do to ease the suffering of the people in Zimbabwe.

What really disappointed me was the great opportunity for the other African Leaders had to condemn Mugabe and his regime yesterday. Yet with the exception of the Egyptian leader, all refused to comment or let alone condemn him.

So should the international community sit here and wait for the regime to implode. Tougher economic sancations only serve to hurt the people even more. Playing Devils advocate the other African Nations do more to help their own situation by condeming Mugabe as should the Asian nations do with Myanmar etc. Although the use of force is an option, I dont think any of the western nations would have an appetite for a Guerrila war in Central Africa as that could provoke the collapse of infra structure in an already fragile Zimbabwe and ultimately another humanitarian crisis.

We seem to be damend if we do and damned if we don't

PC & Console LAN 9th-11th July
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