Originally Posted by Mark
Same again. To me it looks like they've over-egged the HDR - particularly the blues. So much so that the reflection of the boat on the right looks like it's glowing. Yours doesn't have that problem (don't know if that's a result of yours being a little smaller but I don't think so). Not sure if printing would tone it down a little.
Ah I should have explained that. For some reason his copy of Quark adds a blue tint and the images are lowres.
As for the fonts, #1 is OK-ish, though contrast isn't great, #2 to me doesn't work as a result of where it is, and IMO it's too 'in your face' anyway. I think yours has the opposite problem though - it's too understated. Using the same font seems a bit of a lame excuse as I suspect very few try that. It's very common for titles to need a different font than the rest of the text for example.
According to the designer the cover font should match the book font. His idea is that it should flow nicely. I have books where they don't match. Arial isn't too far from the font he uses and I'm hoping when he gets back from his holiday in 2 weeks he'll go with my idea.