Originally Posted by Zirax
My experience is similar to yours Johnny. This morning I had to get the train in. It was leaving at 6.40. Now I could have gotten a bus which would have been handy as i'm on the main route which would drop me at the station. However there are no buses at that time. Taxi's now cost £10 on average from my house to the station. I flat refuse to believe that even with the fuel rises that it costs more than £1 to get there.
Anyway I get there and I have to stand on the 6.40 all the way in! Nobodys fault but still a pain in the ass. I then carry my crud round on the underground to kings cross. Once there we are off to Leeds. I thought being a long distance route they would run something like an old Intercity and I could catch some sleep. WRONG. This damn thing absolutely threw you around in the carriage. I never get travel sick but after two and a half hours of that I did feel like crap.
Now the price, £75 for a young person just as single vs £65 for fuel in a car that will get me there and back. Coupled with being able to have a break in the services and still get home quicker than by train, I shall be commuting soley by car. I mean the difference there would allow me to stop for a nice meal somewhere on the way home and still be cheaper.
I get the train to Leeds a lot, I always manage to sleep!