Originally Posted by sleepy
American Pyscho was a book for its time, haven't read it for yonks but I suspect it wont resonate with todays culture now that the yuppie boom is long gone.
It's a complex novel, there is little or no metaphor and its all written in first person by a delusional obsessive. I can't tell how accurate the cultural references are and I've only got an
idea of what the author is trying to achieve with his style - its commonly seen as a significant book, hence why I'm reading it although one things I've noticed about books is that the well touted ones may tend to be the "Great American Novel" and capture a particular culture or time in a way that other book don't. But that doesn't guarantee well developed characters or ideas.
Last books I've read are "Your brain is God" by Tim Leary, "Speed on New York on Speed" by Tim "Speed" Levitch (watch Waking Life if you want to know why that one) and "Man's Search for Meaning" by Viktor Frankl.