17-11-2008, 14:30
Join Date: Sep 2007
Location: Southampton
Posts: 3,201
Originally Posted by loki
I will post a full reply when I get home. Most points I agree with, three points I don't
I still don't think point about the latest hardware being essential is entirely correct. Yes if you want full AA and Anistropic Filtering along and really really high frame rate then you have to spend your wedge on card capable of doing that. However that will make it look better than the comparable console version.
The example of Crysis and S.T.A.L.K.E.R. is valid bit certainly not representative of PC gaming in general. Crysis even on a £3000 pc will struggle to hit above 60 frames per second and have all the bells and whistles turned on at anything more than 1280x1024. No matter how much Crytek bleat on about piracy, it was a game that was poorly coded. STALKER on the other hand was over four years in production and went through a number of developers before it was released. Its biggest problem was that it came out at the same time as Vista, so the developers had problems from the outset getting it to run on that. As I say both valid examples but not representative of pc gaming in general.
Final point I take issue with is steam. Having used Live on PC, XBL and Steam, I would say Live on PC is the worst out of the three. Steam has come a long way, it's stable, easy to use and offers similar functionality to XBL and I genuinely don't see it being that bad from a user, developer or content perspective.
I was going to point out the same three things tbh