Originally Posted by divine
It's not so much the need for it but if you're going to eliminate the TV part from it, all the arguments about playing on a nice huge TV and having the experience vs 'being hunched over a desk' all fly out the window.
Aye maybe. Perhaps its just me, I have the space now so I dont want to play in my office or work in my lounge, so I separate the two.
Originally Posted by divine
I'm not trying to say a PC is categorically cheaper than a console but I think the PCs costs get exagerrated by people picking on the typical gear whore who pisses £500 up the wall on the latest extreme edition CPU, then 2 months later when a 200MHz faster one comes out, does it again. But none of that is essential for decent PC gaming and buying sensible value for money components rather than the bleeding edge overpriced ones that provide little to no extra speed after a year is actually really not a hugely expensive way to go about things.
Hell, just be thankful we picked the 360 to compare to mostly, rather than PS Triple. Yo. Ballin.
Well, the live subs of the 360 offset the extra cost of the Playstation, but I agree, lets not go there
We seem to agree that console gaming is cheaper than mid-range pc gaming, and while the costs aren't staggering like when compared to high end pc fanboyism, I believe they're noticeable.
Any extra quality in the experience wouldn't make me jump back, however if the PC had a far superior game library to what it does currently, the combination would better justify the cost difference.