Yeah this is what i've found it really seems to depend. o2 Back home for me are a bit pap, well actually its just my house really, no signal there everywhere else seems ok. But i don't know how good their 3g/HSDPA coverage is which really counts.
I know 3 don't have amazing signal generally, T-Mobile have never really let me down apart from at work and 3g/HSDPA access has been nothing short of superb 3.5G in my flat as well

. It seems that 3 and T-mobile are investing in the future, but i'm not really sure if i should gamble in the short term...
Oh and yeah i got the package wrong with o2, but to be fair anything over 1500 texts is unlimited to me. I won't use more than 1000 texts and a "few" hours of phone calls a month. Which makes any of those contracts more than fine
I'm still debating, i've also though if i go for a rolling o2 contract as opposed to signing up for 12 months, i could always swap over at a later date if t-mobile go ahead with rolling out even better coverage. But at that point they won't have this unlimited text and web'n'walk offer on... Booooo totally unsure