Originally Posted by semi-pro waster
My latest annoyance is pedestrians or more specifically slow moving pedestrians who insist on taking up most of the space on the pavement and still somehow manage to stop suddenly despite travelling at such a glacial pace that stopping seems almost an irrelevance. Equally as irritating are people who don't bother to look before walking in front of you and cause you to have to stop/change direction.
I did the whole slow pedestrians and people with no spatial awareness earlier in the thread but I'll gladly take this opportunity to re-iterate my annoyance at these people.
When I get into power, I'll introduce lanes in pedestrian areas like on motorways. The inside lane will be for slow moving traffic like old codgers, prams and "wanderers". The second lane will be for people who actually want to get somewhere and the third lane will be for people like myself who want to get somewhere quickly.