Just received an e-mail from one of my friends with the subject iPad.......
I'm in iTunes HQ in regent street (above the apple store) and been playing with one for the last 30 minutes...
this is written on the ipad so here is a quick review....
- It's too pretty to let it get scratched whilst in your bag.
- It feels a pound heavier than I'd want it to be and you can't get comfortable with it 9it may not seem alot but I think it is whilst holding it)
- I currently have it flat on my lap as two minutes in my hands got tired holding it with one and moving **** around with the other...now my neck hurts.
- I can hardly see the screen as every time it moves the lights in the ceiling turn it into a big reflective wash of white.
- My macbook pro laptop is open beside me and the battery is going down about 70% faster on the iPad
- Nobody in the apple office wants one, they think it's awful although they are all testing them and using them in presentations (but they'll never say this in public of course!)
- It's bloody uncomfortable to use....bored with it and turning it off now