Originally Posted by Grandad
our Lib Dem run council paid out just short of £500,000 for the sugababes to appear at our local park
They then kept 4,000 of the 14,000 tickets for family and friends of council folks and the local newspaper
5,000 of the remaining 10,000 tickets went to locals the rest went "elsewhere"
the show generated about £270,000
this cost every local person who didn't go £40 for the privelidge
the head of the Lib Dems arranged 2 overnight off site meetings, 2 miles from the council offices , these involved overnight stays and in one case a wine bill for 3 people running into several hundred pounds
the concert thing I think was to boost their egos and the hotel/wine as sleazy as anything from MPs
T'was a good evening though
Didnt realise thats what it cost them :/