Originally Posted by Belmit
One of the ones you can choose is 'What is your partner's name?'. Someone even forgot that.
I look forward to being creeped out by everyone's crimped hair in the future.
The lack of thought put into "Security question" systems in general annoys the hell out of me. For most people the most likely person to be trying to compomise their account is someone they know, whether it's a curious partner, a vengeful ex or just their mates having a laugh. So how is it in anyway secure to allow access to the account to anyone who can answer a trivial question that anyone who knows you well can answer?
Where possible I'll avoid putting any answers into such systems. If they insist I'll put gibberish. The best systems are ones where you can wrote your own question too, then I usually make the question itself cryptic to the point that no-one else will even be able to work out what it's actually asking.