Originally Posted by divine
Alllllllllll of my emails go out with a read receipt request, but then I have to issue a lot of documents via email so it helps to have them when someone later denies having received something important as I can tell them the date and time that they read the email in question
All it shows though is that they clicked on the email in question or it was highlighted before they clicked away and accepted the read receipt, there's not an option to say simply that you've received the message although that's effectively all a read receipt is. Quite often at work I don't have the time (or perhaps inclination in some cases) to properly read an email as soon as I've received it yet there's not an option to delay the read receipt until later on when I do get round to it.
I sometimes accept read receipts and sometimes don't, that doesn't mean anything about whether I've taken in the message. I'm more likely to vary my acceptances if I'm constantly getting read receipt requests from someone on unimportant emails though.