Originally Posted by jmc41
Two okay runs and another disaster one. 12 miles steady Sat was fine, then 5 miles Monday with 1:30 400m (x8 with recovery); tempo run tonight, went fine until the last mile when after a mild stitch I'd cleared got major stomach cramps. Ran a 7:04 fifth mile (faster than planned, had virtually no pace control) before slowing which cleared the left side, but couldn't fully shake it until I got back (6 miles); not happy as it was extremely painful.
Schedule says 13 miles steady next, doing that Friday before my weekend, sure I can squeak out another 160m at the end.
Ooyah. I've been lucky with stitches *thankfully*. I'm interested what causes it, I know it's your intestines rubbing together and a friend gets them when she eats sausage rolls before she runs.