The inability of train companies in London to deal with the snow in a vaguely sensible manner. As I think I've mentioned before I don't particularly mind if the train is late or cancelled or whatever provided I'm kept informed - it may be an inconvenience but at least the information means that I can make other plans if necessary. What that doesn't mean is that with less than 3 minutes to go to the next train do you cancel it - I can accept that on very rare occasions it won't be foreseeable in advance that there will be problems with that service and it can't run but I can't accept that it should be so beyond the operators ken that it happens to multiple services. If they're unable to even give a good guess about whether the train will run until 3 minutes before then frankly they don't deserve to be running a train service - especially when the weather conditions aren't changing, there's no new snow, the temperature hasn't dropped by any significant amount so why can they not work something out?
Oh and my other bugbear of the day is train drivers and station staff treating commuters as if they're the cause of the problems here. I appreciate there's lots of selfish and inconsiderate commuters who don't move down in the carriage etc but even then it's not their fault that there's an inadequate amount of carriages on the train. It's obviously not helped by cancelling trains and late running trains so the remaining services are under more pressure than ever but blaming commuters for that isn't the way forwards. For instance the service that was cancelled this evening meant that I got on another train which takes me on a bit of a diversion but gets vaguely near where I live - for reasons best known to themselves Southeastern decided that instead of the normal 6-8 carriages that this service was best provided for by 2 carriages...
"Your friend is the man that knows all about you, and still likes you." - Elbert Hubbard