19-08-2007, 18:28 | #1 |
Lara Croft
Join Date: Jun 2006
Location: PigmoPad - Braintree Essex
Posts: 8,604
Annoying Adverts
...I think I've turned into Victor Meldrew... I'm getting increasingly pissed off with adverts that seem to encourage children to misbehave.
The most recent one is a George at ASDA one for school uniform. It features a kid speaking and saying other kids should say to their Mums " you might pay for the trousers but I wear them " and another one with the same kid saying that kids should undo their top button and loosen their tie or they won't fit in with other kids in the playground or words to that effect. What the hell are we teaching kids these days ffs ! .. I know it's only a small thing but it just adds up to the problem these days of kids growing up before they need to and being treated like equal adults instead of what they are .. children who should bloody well do what they are told I'm going to be an evil Mummy |