Originally Posted by Le Hoff
Paul when I was doing the travelling thing like you - I clocked up in a year nearly 2 months of overtime/TOIL. In a year I could never take it all, yes I did go on about 4/5 holidays a year, but even then I couldn't use it all up. After 6 years of clocking it up I was KNACKERED. When I handed in my notice I had a huge 3k payout plus my monthly salary and expenses owing to the fact I had accrued so much time off. Don't be lackadaisical with it - don't let them walk over you. Yeah you're young, but it can still affect you.
Well I don't get overtime
but my basic salary does make up for it
It's not like I'm travelling all the time as Jan-Aug I can normally work from home one week in three to recover. It's just the Sept-Dec period that is crazy. I probably should have taken more holiday earlier in the year but like I said earlier I don't take holiday for the hell of it and had no reason to take it.
Originally Posted by Le Hoff
BTW (Off Topic), you've lost lots of weight, and since when did you get so handsome?! You were always a minger at uni!
About 18 months ago. I put on a load of weight in my last year at Uni and then even more in my first year at work. Think when I went to Uni I was 11 stone (very skinny) and by the end of my first year at work 5 years later I was 16 stone (very fat). About 18 months ago I sorted out my diet (stopped drinking heavily 4-5 nights a week (seriously) and cut down amount of crap I was eating) and dropped 3 stone in 3 months which instantly made me attractive to totty (looked better and therefore was a lot more confident). Done better with the opposite sex in last 18 months than I had done in the previous 18 years