Originally Posted by Desmo
Run around like a headless chicken....get shot...die.
Have to say, the games I've played haven't really had a good "team".
I think it would be quite good to actually move in a pack, get the bomb and head straight for the target, keeping the bomb carrier as safe as poss with your best shooters up front and a couple at the rear. Plant the bomb and take up positions to cover from defusing. Obvisously it's never that easy
If they have the bomb it's easy enough to spot and some people should drop back to your base to defend it ASAP whilst the rest head for the bomb carrier. Those at base should easily be able to slow things down enough for the rest to arrive and help defend and then pick up the bomb. If you recover the bomb near your own base, the defenders should stay until it's well clear.
These aren't tested at all and would just be my way of doing things. Don't know if they're right or if they'd even work in a practical sense (in the fact that you spawn randomly around the map).
Intersting ideas, perhaps we should have people with smoke grenades who can smoke plant point once we've got the bomb there.
Originally Posted by Haly
I don't really have tactics Don't get a chance to play with the same people enough.
Someone just tell me what to do and I'll do it I'm good at obeying orders thanks to CS
Desmo can be quarterback tonight as he's played it more than us
Originally Posted by Haly
Are we all going to be chattier this time? I know I was terrible for being silent last week
I'm going to be talking alot more as we'll have a full team we are all happy talking to. If I don't know my team mates I don't tend to talk