Originally Posted by DRZ
I know it probably reads differently because you've got an OSX-shaped axe to grind but I honestly do not have a problem with this OS, why would I? I have a 'problem' with the attitudes of the bulk of people that use them when it comes to anyone that dare compare it to anything else, or dare say that people buy Apple products generally as fashion accessories (which is true, look at the iPod and iPhone for clear examples of "its a crap product compared to the rest of the market but I just have to have one")
I'm sorry but once you start saying things like that you've just become yet another "Anti-Apple" fanboy type. "Oh god its just a fashion accessory. Its so rubbish. You're all sheep. Baaaaa silly white sheep." Let me think. Amount of times I've thought "Do these shoes go with my iPod?" That'd be none simply because its not a fashion accessory. Pros n cons remember. Yes there are better sounding audio players out there, and which ones work perfectly with iTunes, iPhoto, iCal, have email, wifi, and Apple's UI design? Yet another half decent Apple thread descends into madness full of stupid cliches and stereotypes. Now if anyone needs me I'll be painting my self white so hot girls can touch me and carry me around as a fashion accessory