Originally Posted by Garp
Not particularly. Critical holes are found in IE and Opera on a routine basis too. Difference is with Firefox and Opera the bugs get patched in quick order, instead of several months it can take for Microsoft to release IE patches.
The timing of the announcement is highly dubious too, given the official release is only bug fixes on RCs that have been available for months. It smacks highly of the announcers deliberately holding back on the announcement instead of helping insure the release was as free of critical bugs as possible.
Hmmmm, open source or not, Opera has proved over the last version it has less critical flaws found than firefox, and unlike firefox all were fixed. IE is useless though i'll give you that
Inherently it shouldn't be generally with the open source nature, but most stuff points to Opera being more secure. But what is "more" secure really, its hard to measure, and tbh in the grand scheme doesn't really matter, so i'll get off my box