Originally Posted by Davey_Pitch
I'm not having a go at you in particular, but I've seen so many comments about FPS games being so much better on the PC than console, it's simply pissing me off. If people prefer to use a mouse and keyboard, then fair play to them. Say that as your reason, as you just did there, but don't say that using a pad makes the game rubbish, because it doesn't (again, not aimed at you, just a general rant).
Again, down to personal preference. I don't really mind a little assistance, though if a game had none and had me rely on my skill with a pad, I'd be happy as well (it would certainly sharped up my skills). I don't see how it ruins the game though, but hey, that's just me, and probably not an argument/discussion to start in this therad.
You seem a bit sensitive about something which seems empirically true, that PCs are inherently better to play FPS games on?
If you disagree I will be happy to go 1v1 in UT2004 any time with our respective choice of control methods