Originally Posted by Bigstan
That's kinda how I'm looking at things as well. It's really not that much effort and I can assure you, the older you get, the worse it gets. I've been very overweight for so long now I had got used to being sluggish and lethargic. Even the relatively small amount of weight I've lost and the bit of exercise I've been doing has given me the sort of energy I haven't felt in years. It's really spurred me on to make bigger improvements - if I feel this good losing 12 pounds and doing a bit of exercise, how good will I feel after losing 4 stone and doing more exercise and getting stronger?
It feels great, I remember, however its also a lot harder to maintain when you start to peak and I didn't have the motivation to keep it up, I suspect that I'll be picking a reasonable point this time where I am close to a proper shape for my frame and then 'stick' rather than keep 'twisting'. Last time I gave it all up after I hurt myself lifting, time time I'll need an excape plan, gradually easing down to a way of maintaining once I'm happy with what I have achieved and being willing to let myself not be constantlly breaking new barriers, that way madness lies!