Originally Posted by iCraig
The thing about it all, is that it wasn't clever, it wasn't amazing, it was typical Jade Goody. She died exactly how she lived, in the media spotlight, making money for, well, just opening the door and letting the press into her life. She was a sell out, she prostituted every aspect of her life for money and in death that was no different. It was all just one big last PR campaign. The security for her children seemed to revolve around money and just money. Get them millions and they'll be fine. Again, typical Goody attitude that money is priority number one. Even in the face of privacy and dignity, money and the press came first. I feel sorry for the media circus her family has had to deal with, and continue dealing with for the funeral and the aftermath. I don't like being harsh about it, but the sooner she's buried and forgotten the better.
If you want to understand why someone like Jade equates security with money, I suggest you spend some time in Burmondsey.....then you'll understand. It's easy for you to analyse things more effectively from the armchair of your university education, but there are legions of people just like her who see the world in much more simpler terms.