27-03-2009, 09:14 | #1 |
Deep Throat
Join Date: Jul 2006
Posts: 6,512
Curious to know what hobbies people have here?!
For me I kind of have obvious hobbies... drawing, geetar and piano playing (not simultaneously ), filums, reading and walking. Buuuut I've just got back to an old rusty dusty hobby which I heart muchly.... Last night I attended our local Magic Society and it brought flooding back how much I actually LOVE magic. As in... properly! I remember being obsessed with it when I was younger (would always get magic boxes and tricks and all sorts until I was about 16 when I then went to a school magic club and got into more hard core tricks with cards and sponge balls and laccy bands!) I would sit under my duvet with a torch for HOURS at night trying to practice/figure out how to do a trick! The guy who taught me was amazing. He held a magic club at school and I went religiously even though it fizzled out and I was pretty much the only attendee! In 6th form I would even sneak in to the back of his Year 7 French Lessons and wait patiently until he'd set work (whilst doing some coursework of my own) and then he'd come over, show me a trick and I would end up practising Since moving though and getting jobs etc... I started to rust up. I used the odd bit of magic here and there (especially at Uni... free drinks galore! Woo!) but nothing other than that. Until NOW! Hahaha! I'm the only lady there (and the youngest too) so immediately I kind of stuck out like a sore thumb. Introduced to lots of people, some really lovely, others... I think I would be wise to avoid. Or rather be aware of. Most are fantastic though, very helpful probably 50's through to 70's with the odd splattering of 30's - 40's with various interests in magic. Most do children performances for work despite being mainly interested in close up table magic (it's quite a seasonal job really). Last night, there was a German dude giving the lecture and showing various tricks and explaining them and although I think much of the performance lost it's shine due to his broken English, it was quite good! Some tricks I knew a slight variations of, others were obvious, others I was like... wooo... that's cool! His slight of hand with cards was impressive. Man I need to practice. A chap collared me at the end and told me not to be put off by the performance though as normally they do stuff a bit more bamboozling! So I'll be intrigued what the next ones like as I really enjoyed his lecture! I have to do an initiation test within 6months... the earlier the better. Was thinking about it last night and as it's an all male audience I think I will play up to that. I think I may have myself a good advantage here with being the only lady there Lots of the guys said actually if I were to get into it professionally I would do pretty darn well as there are hardly any decent lady magicians out there. It's mainly blokes! Apparently no one has failed the initiation yet and they do help you out a bit with sorting a routine sooo I'm sure I'll be fine. Just need to get practising again! Lately I've kind of felt a little bit... like I'm missing something. A hobby.. something unique. And I think I've rediscovered it I'm not professing to be able to do anything amazing... as said I'm very rusty buuut if I recall rightly I did pick things up quite quickle With lots of practice... and hopefully someone willing to take me on as an apprentice type jobby... I can change that! Watch out Mister Blain, Daniels, Copperfield and Brown! Here I come! WOo wooo! *goes and finds her squidgy sponge balls and playing cards and laccy bands and all sorts* Any one else in to the Magic goodness? |