Originally Posted by _dogma_
Just finishing up the Historian by Elizabeth Kostova.
It's really very good. It is a slightly modern version of Stoker's Dracula. Most of the story is from letters which the girl is reading and finding out why her father is going mad all over the world looking for Dracula.
Oooh I have this and started it, but I didn't carry on because I misplaced it. Worth a read I take it then? Will have to dig it out. Been reading
the Jesus Dynasty at the moment which focuses on the evidence we have on the 'real' Jesus Christ, his family and his life. Easier to let amazon tell you really:
Tabor's scholarly detective work begins with his accidental discovery on a dig in Israel of what many now think was Jesus' family tomb. Tabor pieces together new archaeological evidence, combined with the earliest surviving Christian documents to reconstruct Jesus' real family history as a royal dynasty in exile. Jesus was leader of a messianic movement -- one far different to the revelations of his maverick follower Paul who was responsible for what we know as Christianity today. Was Jesus far more human than the Church has led us to believe? Was his royal bloodline meant to free mankind or just a chosen few? And why did dissident follower Paul have a more lasting effect on Christianity than Jesus himself? Find out the controversial truth in 'The Jesus Dynasty'.
Is interesting. Good to read if you can be objective and read it with an open mind.