05-11-2009, 13:12 | #11 |
Join Date: Sep 2007
Location: Southampton
Posts: 3,201
I saw Up in 3D last week.
First thing, the glasses gave me a bit of a headache, not pleasant. 3D was used well though, just nicely complemented the film, it wasn't just indulging in 3D cliches by making stuff shoot out of the screen every five seconds. Secondly the film, whilst good dragged for me a bit. It was very very predictable, in a way I don't feel many of Pixar's other films are. I felt a lot of the time I was sat there thinking 'come on get this bit over with' because it was obvious where it was going and what was about to happen. With say, Wall-E, whilst it could be predictable I never once found myself sat thinking similar things, I was enjoying the film too much. I'd give it a solid 7/10 as it was a good film but I don't think it measures up against some of Pixars previous work.