11-11-2009, 09:43 | #1 |
Baby Bore
Join Date: Jun 2006
Location: Svalbard
Posts: 9,770
When pre orders go wrong
So, yesterday I was watching the clock and wondering when I could get back to see if my UKMail delivery had come and if it had had it been put through the door or had I been carded to collect from Sittingbourne which is a good 30 minutes each way.
Obviously I was waiting for MW2 I checked the net and UKMail said that they had tried to deliver but no one was home, still they might have put it through the door as its only small so I still had about 20% hope left. I thought about popping out at lunchtime but had to work through, then I thought about popping home at about 3.00 but stuff came up, I eventually left work at 4.30 but before I could go home I needed to collect some dry cleaning and at this point I was pretty convinced that they wouldn't have put the parcel through and would need a signature, so seeing MW2 was £26 in Sainsburys I went via there, however they were sold out. Pretty peeved and knowing I'd have to wait at least another day to get the game I went home. There on the mat was an envelope about the size and shape of a 360 game but from Tesco, I opened it to find a copy of MW2, totally confused I was trying to work out if maybe Shopto had over sold and ended up ordering copies for people form other stores but that was a silly idea, confused but pleased I leafed through the other post. There in the post is a card from UKMail, I must have ordered MW2 from Tesco and forgotten about it completely, so I now have two copies. I'm kind of pleased that Sainsbury didn't have any or I'd have had three copies! The ironic thing? I got downstairs booted up the 360 and thought to myself I'll get this mission on Borderlands done and by that time a few other people will be online. At 1.30am I turned Borderlands off having watched the end credits, MW2 remains in its wrapper, unopened MB |