Originally Posted by Lozza
Even that close to my head for 8ish hours.... the reason I say that and it may just be total coincidence but I used to put my phone above my head on the headboard at night and sleep was pretty poor, but then I read something about having phones that close can disturb your sleep, so now I put the phone in reach but further away and I seem to be getting better sleeps... Though last night I was dreaming about geocaching (first multicache find in one attempt yesterday) and was so excited I'm worn out this morning!
As said, Flight mode. Even says that in the instructions! Alex, I checked the clock last night when I woke up (4 times) and the stats match exactly what I thought. Don't care if it's 'in the mind' if it works, It works & I don't care what the science is. Usually science overcomplicates simple stuff anyways - if you're moving more, likely you're in a lesser state of sleep, surely?
"You only get one life. There's no God, no rules, except for those you accept or create for yourself. Then once it's over... it's over. Dreamless sleep for ever and ever. So why not be happy while you're here?" Nate Fisher
Last edited by Kitten; 31-01-2010 at 12:17.