19-01-2011, 00:57 | #1 |
Deep Throat
Join Date: Jul 2006
Posts: 6,512
Zombie Fail
I failed you. I was off my Zombie guard last night. If it had been real, I would be walking dead right now.... A good friend of mine... well. Put it like this. He was in a bit of a state (alcohol and sadness) and I had to go look after him. Anyway. He was pukey pukey and after much cleaning up and water consumption he passed out on the sofa. I stayed for a bit and kept an eye on him (worried he would pukey pukey in his sleep). During this half hour he did not move an inch!! Just was breathing very quietly. NB it was the middle of the night, the whole house was silent. I decided by this point he was going to be okay and thought "I'll just fetch myself a glass of water before popping off and leaving him to snooze", got up and walked past him... .... when he suddenly as I walked past thrust his hand out and grabbed my leg with no prior warning.. I pooed myself. My brain hit over drive for a second and exploded with the following thought: "OHMYF***INGGAWD HE'S NOT BEEN DRUNK HE'S BEEN TURNING INTO A ZOMBIE... I'M SCREWED, SCREWED! KICK HIM IN THE HEAD... KICK HIM IN THE HEAD" It was only when he then proceeded to chunder all over my leg and shoe... then look up and say to me: "I love you Amanda" (his fiances name) Then pass out again... I realised I was safe. Other than my vomit covered shoe. Not so safe. I tell you what though I totally nearly kicked him in the head. Not good. |