Originally Posted by Mark
Two questions - can we see the lens please? and are you allowed to say how much that cost?
Serious amounts of depth of field going on there. Closest I'll get is my '50', which I haven't really played with yet.
The whole family...as for the cost...a bit too much! lol
Originally Posted by Pickers
Hahahaha I was expecting to see a car!
(I know its in the photography forum, but when you use "new posts" its not so evident what forum its in!)
I could've bought a car with that!
Originally Posted by Jonny69
That is a really weird effect. I don't think I like it.
That's 1.2, there's only 2 Canon lens that does 1.2 and out of all the lenses, the 85L is renowned for the bokeh, so it does seem strange at first, but it can make the subject POP like nothing else.
Originally Posted by volospian
Odd. It almost looks like it's been badly photoshopped.... or sort of 3d...
It does looked photoshopped, i know!
Originally Posted by Matblack
First two demo shots I like, I suspect that the final one is a demonstration of the DoF but having OOF scenery in front of the subject is distracting for me.
Yup, if you have things that is OOF in front of the subject, the eyes tends not to like it a lot of the times.
Originally Posted by Kitten
I think it gives a really 3Dish effect. Like you're peeking through the branch at the people.
Originally Posted by Will
I like that a lot 
They are only testing shots outside the office, used it in a more enclosed area, and the POP effect is less but better than the 1.8. The greater the distance between me and the subject and the subject to background, the greater the 3D effect. It is made even more pronounced if there is a "tunnel" like a row of trees either side (i've seen it in some other photos online).