24-09-2011, 18:12 | #30 |
Join Date: Sep 2008
Location: Northampton
Posts: 1,571
I hate the top news thing, as everything on it is far from top news, however, the new profile 'timeline' page coming out in a couple of days is AMAZING.
Have some screeny's of my profile: http://cl.ly/1X0D1N3D3C2O041X0H0N http://cl.ly/0H1C1n3s212n021U2t2l It really is brilliant
Look at your signature, now back to mine, now back to yours, now back to mine.
Sadly, yours isn't mine. But if you stopped writing about other things and made this your signature, yours could be like mine. Look down, back up. Where are you? You're on Boat Drinks, reading the signature your signature could be like. I'm on a computer. |