12-01-2012, 21:37 | #40 |
Dirty Spammer
Join Date: Jul 2006
Location: In the middle!
Posts: 2,454
The things I want to get done this year are
1. Get a min of £1000 saved for emergencies such as car breakdowns etc. 2. Either fully/mostly pay the money I borrowed from my Grandmother 3. Start properly putting money into an account for a deposit. I have a share package that is on track to be my deposit, however this is a few years away and I don't want to get to that point and it fall through and then have to start from scratch. 4. Near the end of the year start to look at moving out into a flat / house share. 5. Try to move up through the company. which is unlikely if things don't pick up as there aren't many jobs. 6. I want to look into learning German, since I am part German, my Oma and Dad speak German, so I think it is about time I learnt. 7. Get a man This is the year I have to get my act together