Originally Posted by Belmit
I'm just watching series 2 on C5. Think it's up to episode 4? At the moment it seems to have gone the way of Lost S2 - really dragged out, not much happening, very little plot development... but I'm steeled by other people's positive comments so will keep watching.
I was really rather bored watching series 2 with all the whinging and moaning and I don't mean zombie-moaning! So many silly decisions, lots of pointless moments and a bombardment of annoying people. I gave up after episode 4... but a few months later upon reading on the web so many good things I gave it another shot and WHAM BAM THANKYOU MAAM!
It delivered.
I was happy.
Excited about new series!
I tell you what though, wish they'd release the second episode of The Walking Dead game on Steam! I'm leaving shortly and want to plaaaaaay it!