Originally Posted by kitten_caboodle
In fact, to test out how fun this can be, go to your nearest town or city centre that has a one way system. Then see how many tickets and on-the-spot fines your GPS can get you 
You could see from my thread about my Garmin and the 100,000 miles how much my sat nav has been used over the years, and that's the latest in a long line that I've owned. I've never had one try and take me down the wrong way on a one-way system yet!
Originally Posted by kitten_caboodle
I could spend hours going round in circles if I relied on my GPS on a regular basis. It's been a godsend in so many ways but it really is a PIA when it keeps telling you to go down roads that don't exist! 
You're using the wrong system! Don't think mine has ever told me to go down a non existant road. If I'm going somewhere I've not been before (which I do lots) I rely on it 100%.
From what I've seen of TomTom it still has a lot of work required. Garmin have been around a lot longer and really don't have any major issues. Of course it's all down to the quality of the maps and I update mine whenever a new set come out, roughly annually.