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Old 15-11-2007, 11:55   #1
Baby Bore
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Default First Person Shooter Tips

I suck at FPS games

Playing COD4 it is very rare that my kills are greater than my number of deaths, sometimes I will get one or no kills and I feel like a liability. My best ever streak is 6 but I rarely get more than 2 kills before I'm killed myself

I recently swaped to a LMG and I'm getting better results with that but I'm still not any good and any amount of practice doesn't seem to make much difference.

Has anyone got a link to some good online tips for improving my game? I move about a lot, I often follow team mates to provide back up or fire support. The stuff I feel I am a bit week on is strafing and checking my environment to stop someone sneaking up on me. Help it's begining to annoy me now

The odd thing is I never seem to have any major problems completing the single player campaigns


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Old 15-11-2007, 11:59   #2
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Exactly the same as me, but I generally die before I get any kills on MP. My reactions are just too slow, practise makes little difference
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Old 15-11-2007, 12:06   #3
Dr. Z
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Knowing the maps is 50% of the battle, knowing how others play on the maps is about 40% and the rest is down to your skill as a player IMO.

I have had up into the 30s without a death on CS but only on the maps I know like the back of my hand. On maps I don't know, I generally get spanked everywhere

I found that certain weapons suited my style of play better than others - I generally fire in bursts rather than single shots or running around spraying out bullets, and almost always from a reasonable distance so I find weapons that suit that better. On Counterstrike that can be the AK or the Bullpup, depending on my mood
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Old 15-11-2007, 12:14   #4
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Is this on the PC or the Xbox? I only have experience with FPS on PCs and I know the controllers are a lot different. However on the PC it's all about the sidestep whilst aiming and not missing also pre-empting and aiming ahead of a moving target - especially true in the days of lag! I used to play a lot of quake on a 28.8k modem Other things is find a bit of an observation point and watch how other players move and interact with their environments. There are a lot of boring sniper people (which I quite like I have to say ) but it's all about making your shots count and using hte right weapon in the right instance. i.e. a shotgun in close range > machine gun. In the days of quake good old rocket launchers were the weapon of choice bar the rail gun.

I'm no way an expert but FPS games are the only ones I used to play when I was younger (we're talking 50hrs a week here), but the only thing I can stress is, ammo, side step, health, observation, and good aims (headshots etc). The most important thing is knowing the map, and again observe it.

Also set up your keyboard with all the keys you ever use and you just get to know them - on a controller I don't know how easy it is to do all that.
No No!
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Old 15-11-2007, 12:55   #5
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Durz is correct about the maps, knowing them well is the key to doing well. On the 3 maps that came with the Beta I generally do very very well, often having 20 kills for less than 10 deaths, but on the maps I don't know I'll consider it a good round if I get about level in each. Of course, the only way to learn the maps is to play them, which can definitely get frustrating if you're dying a lot. When you've learned the maps though, you'll know where people usually come from, which lines you can run safe in the knowledge you won't get anyone sneaking up behind you, and where you can run to try and circle behind the enemy.

Picking the right weapon is also important. My favourite weapon is the M16A4, it's 3 round burst firing mode is excellent as you just need to tap the RT and you quick a quick burst of fire, which is often enough if you aim for the chest/head. Full auto weapons like the AK can lead to inaccuracy a lot as you often hold down the RT and it's very hard to keep it perfectly targetted on someone.

Another thing to do is to simply leave your current session if you feel everyone you're playing against is far better than you. I generally hold my own but there's been plenty of times when I've been way outclassed, so I simply left for a minute then joined a new game where people were closer to my own skill level. It makes the games more enjoyable that way.

Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness, that most frightens us. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine as children do. It's not just in some of us; it is in everyone. And as we let our own lights shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.
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Old 15-11-2007, 13:32   #6
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Knowing the maps is a very important. Are you playing team deathmatch or free-for-all Matt?

I end up in the top 3-4 of most games now because I know the maps rather well, but still come up against people who are amazingly good. I'm actually using the M16A4 myself Davey and really enjoying it, it is helping me improve my accuracy.

If you fancy a couple of practice games let me know and we'll form a party so you can work on your playing style

You need to find a weapon you like and one you are comfortable with. It is also important to choose the weapon that matches the level. No point sticking with the shotgun on overgrown or district.
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Old 15-11-2007, 14:02   #7
Baby Bore
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I've managed to get myself up to Lv22 with about 10 hours of play and I really enjoy it but I'd just like to get better. I started with the M16 and moved to the AK47 to get the acheivements but I do think I need to find a gun which suits my style and as you say get a better knowledge of the maps.

Do you guys tend to pick an area to defend or just drift about the map? I think part of my problem is I roam too much rather than camping a particular area more.

I would really like to play rounds with you guys a lot of the players out there a just too good and what I find really frustrating is that no one will take a lead and coordinate movements so everyone is operating as a loner, where I've been firmly thrashed I get the impression the other team are coordinating their efforts over the headsets.


"we had roots that grew towards each other underground, and when all the pretty blossom had fallen from our branches we found that we were one tree and not two"
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Old 15-11-2007, 14:03   #8
The Night Worker
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My 3 Top Tips for Successful FPS play.

Your Ears are your best weapon. Turn of All other External sounds & wear headphones at all times. The headphones will give you Perfect stereo pitch enabling you to know from what direction your enemy is approaching or where he is hiding. (Leads to Lots of Accusations of cheating but is Completely Legal play)

Single shot for the Win. Always select Single shot unless using a PPSH then just spray & pray. Single shot & aiming down the sights is something you need to do instinctively. ( I have lost count on the amount of times where i am bowling along & some sucker sprays at me only for me to turn round & single shot him to the head. More accusations of cheating abound)

Know your Maps inside out back to front & upside down. You need to know & recognise choke points & the routes the enemy will approach from. Learn those maps. ( a few nades over walls etc )

I can talk for Hours about FPS gaming as i think I am the Man when it comes to a bit of Murder death kill FPS style
My mate on here VaultingSlinky is a bit handy as well, He is the man for 360 FPS tips i would think. Me & him had many many Awesome battles on original COD
Playing with mates helps if they are Decent enough to help you on rather than just Pwn you for fun. On BF2 i have helped many guys on & really enjoy passing on tips. Unfortunately giving tips out makes you seem like a know it all **** but i honestly just want people to get out of BF2 what i have over the years.

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Old 15-11-2007, 14:14   #9
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Originally Posted by Matblack View Post
I've managed to get myself up to Lv22 with about 10 hours of play and I really enjoy it but I'd just like to get better. I started with the M16 and moved to the AK47 to get the acheivements but I do think I need to find a gun which suits my style and as you say get a better knowledge of the maps.
Personally I don't use the sniper rifle because I'm rubbish with it. I've only ever used it once in MP and that was when I ended up against 3 other players and needed to pick them off and hide. I love the AK-47 but have been trying the different weapons to get the achievements and to improve my accuracy. I really like the M4 to be honest and use that for mid range maps.

Originally Posted by Matblack View Post
Do you guys tend to pick an area to defend or just drift about the map? I think part of my problem is I roam too much rather than camping a particular area more.
Well if the team talk alot I'll stick with them and talk to them but if the team doesn't talk I tend to drift around being a loner. There are certain maps I'll camp out in with a sniper or a couple of us will try and flank the other team. This usually happens on the block map. Usually I'm a roamer and tend to pick off who I can and usually end up knifing people because they aren't watching their backs or don't tend to move around much.

Originally Posted by Matblack View Post
I would really like to play rounds with you guys a lot of the players out there a just too good and what I find really frustrating is that no one will take a lead and coordinate movements so everyone is operating as a loner, where I've been firmly thrashed I get the impression the other team are coordinating their efforts over the headsets.
Well if you want to play some games then let's arrange some and we'll all have a go

I don't tend to lead unless I'm in the middle of a firefight and can coordinate my team mates. It works so much better when people communicate. Playing in the beta, Davey, Wellington and I talked and coordinated and our team won 9/10 times.
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Old 15-11-2007, 14:19   #10
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I'd just emphasis what others have said, particularly regarding knowing the map and sticking with your teammates. I've found with mybrief play of CoD4 MP and the beta, that it improves my game a lot. Providing the team are any good. I've had the odd game with a team that are just messing about and I tend to leave and join a different game.

I've not started roaming yet but that's what I used to do with CS, so I'll no doubt adapt to that when I'm more used to the game.

We definitely should have some games together I'd suggest monday as Davey's got his 360 back then and I won't be working.
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