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Old 29-01-2008, 21:15   #51
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Bite me!

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Old 29-01-2008, 21:16   #52
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Careful! He might be hungry!
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Old 29-01-2008, 22:40   #53
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I just had a look through it and my girlfriend looked over my shoulder and said 'Ooohhh - Faye would love that. What's the link?'

So it looks like you've connected with your target demographic pretty well there

I liked it too but being a man don't really bother with cards, cos a pint mostly says it better. Are personalised e-cards a possibility in the future though? Sometimes (ok often) I find myself in need of a card at short notice

Get old, or die tryin'
- Chunks of Meaty Reviews, Mixed with Your Five a Day of News, Comment and Opinion, Floating in a Broth of Suspect Grammar and Seasoned Liberally with Mixed Metaphor. Tasty.
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Old 30-01-2008, 08:37   #54
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Just wanted to let you know I have read your posts but due to being up to here (am reaching well above my head at the moment whilst being on tiptoes) with my portfolio putting together I haven't been able to respond fully!

I should *touch wood* have it completed and sent off by midday so will respond after that!

Until then...

*WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGH* The printers out of ink and I need to find A3 pockets/wallets for my folder which do NOT have anti-glare! (Ie I need the cheaper looking ones!) Else my work looks not so good! If anyone knows where I could get them in a local store (whsmiths style) then let me know! That's the non-anti-glare (most are dappled looking - WAAAAAAAGH!)

*runs about flailing arms*

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Old 30-01-2008, 10:11   #55
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Will peg it staples, then rymans, then home, then print, then put last 2/3bitsi n portfolio then post office then back here and CUP OF TEA + PROPER RESPONSE TO THIS THREAD (and all the lovely people who have been texting me)


*runs off*
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Old 30-01-2008, 12:57   #56
Do you want to hide in my box?
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Good luck
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Old 30-01-2008, 14:08   #57
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Originally Posted by Pheebs View Post

I haven't seen this word since my Games Workshop days.

Yeah I fell in with the wrong crowd at school - the ones with paint under their nails, White Dwarf in their back packs and D20s in their pockets.

Get old, or die tryin'
- Chunks of Meaty Reviews, Mixed with Your Five a Day of News, Comment and Opinion, Floating in a Broth of Suspect Grammar and Seasoned Liberally with Mixed Metaphor. Tasty.
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Old 30-01-2008, 19:46   #58
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Ta for your patience Trio (doggy) required UBER amounts of attention when I got back for being such a stupendous puppy dawg the past two days whilst I have been unable to pay her much love! Then things rolled on and now it's 6pm! Dear lord! Where does it all go!?!

Okie... I've taken on board your comments and am now a *wee* bit confuddled what to do!

Would I... pwetty pwease... be able to nominate Mister LD to email Duncan for me ref what's being said? I have just literally spoken to Duncan and he's saying that there will be some HTML front page but flash will be offered for d/l etc etc!

Integration oh Flash to a HTML webby sounds fab! But then I'm easily swayed by these things! Anything sounds fab as long as it finally ends up....

a) Looking professional and "simple". Nothing too fandangle.
b) So pretty much everyone can view it... everywhere!
c) Update-able. And easily. In the end I will be working on it weekly, if not daily so I will need to be able to change it pip squeek.

Briefly, Duncan has said that most people have flash and that he will be making text files for me to update... as well as picture files for gallery/other items. He said he was also going to have a proggy for me to click on so it does automatically update once I have changed things!

Don't ask me how it works - not the foggiest! He did explain it to me very well but brain retention at the moment is minimal!

LepD - would you be able to email him with your suggestions and reasons? I really don't mind losing out on some flash things at all if it's easier and still looks great and means more people can get it? I said to him you may mail and not to be offended or nowt and he said he's always taking up new suggestions so is cooooool with it!

I will PM you his email addy - but don't feel you have to! If you don't fancy it I will just do some copying and pasting of some posts here onto an email and plonk it through (I just don't know what I'm talking about so figured you may have more knowledge/explanations)

Ref him being part of BD - he's already an Ex Colleague of mine and tbh, he's dealing with a major part of my hopefully successful business... I don't really want him to be a "really good friend"... just a "colleague". And I fear bringing him here would change that. Sounds daft but I feel keeping this distance is good as it means I remain in full control of it all and can set deadlines/prices etc. As a "friend" these things could change...

BTW - portfolio has gone - it looks AYMAYZING!
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Old 30-01-2008, 20:51   #59
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Originally Posted by Admiral Huddy View Post
I like that loads

Edit - I've quicky read through some of the above comments re: Flash so this may have already been suggested but could she not have a front end screen that asks "Flash version" or "non-flash version"?
Twas a bad idea way back yonder and is still a bad idea today. Technology is stable enough at the moment that you can create a stunning website, just one.
Thats no hamster, its a space station!
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Old 08-02-2008, 08:51   #60
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Duncan is starting to annoy me. I hoped this wouldn't happen. I have emailed him ALL of this week, sent texts, rang etc... and he hasn't got back to me.

It's about completely revamping the website (as you guys have suggested HTML with flash integrated), so really important. And it's got deadlines in. I said to him last year "I anticipate the website being complete by february" and it's not I have therefore given him more deadlines (and albeit it was pushing it as I expected a lot done - hardly surprising though) and NO REPLY!

I am going to call him up all of today until he answers his sodding phone. I will see what he says but I'm starting to get fed up with the delays. I will be paying him good money for this... I know he'll do it well but I need it before 2020 preferably.

Money wise - for the whole website - we were looking at £700.

Put it like this. If anyone here thinks they can do a better job than muppet man and would like an extra £700 in their pocket let me know. I will happily travel to sort it out too if you would need me around for a few days to agree on bits.


*feels better*

Last edited by Pheebs; 08-02-2008 at 08:59.
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