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Old 22-02-2008, 22:27   #1
Lara Croft
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Default Your Gym Routine

Seems there are a few of us gym rats/bunnies here so post your routines !

Will be nice to see what other people are up to and if possible include weights .. when you up them post about it and we can keep this as some sort of journal

Here's mine :

Monday :
Warm up - 5 mins on rower
Deadlift (3x12) @ 15 kgs superset with Wide grip chins ( assisted - 3x12 )
D/B Chest Press on Ball(3x12) @ 5kgs Per DB superset with DB Flys on Ball(3x12) @ 4Kgs per DB
D/B Shoulder Press on Ball (3x12) @ 3kgs Per DB superset with D/B Bicep curl (3x12) @ 4kgs per DB
Treadmill - run 1.5 miles ( try to get 20 mins or under, 1st attempt was 20:47 )
Side plank - each side to failure ( beat 1 minute )
Plank - to failure ( beat 45 seconds)

Tues :
Bodystep Class ( 1 hour )

Wed :
Boxercise class ( 1 hour ) followed by Body Attack ( 1 hour )

Thurs : REST

Fri :

Warm up - 5 mins on bike
Squats (3x20) @ 25Kgs superset with Leg Extension (3x15)@ 20 kgs
DB Step ups for 10 mins ( 2kgs per DB )
Stiff Leg Deadlifts (3x12) @ 15kgs superset with swiss ball h/string curls (3x12)
Side Lunges (3x20) superset with step jumps (3x20)
Roman Chair leg lift (3x10)
Crunch on swiss ball (3x15)
10 mins on x - trainer

Sat or Sun:

3 mile Jog

BF% 28/08/08 - 21%

Last edited by Piggymon; 23-02-2008 at 09:17.
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Old 23-02-2008, 00:03   #2
The Mouse King of Denmark
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Mine is very simple. I don't use weights as I'm not looking to particularly build muscle, I use my own body resistance and fitness bands (giant pieces of elastic of varying thickness) to maintain lean muscle, and am trying to lower my body fat. I don't have a set resistance training routine but will generally pick about 6-7 of the following in 3 circuits. Almost all of the following I use the fitness bands for except press-ups, anything that involves jumping, and abs exercises:

20 press-ups/dive-bomber press-ups
20 squat jumps
20 alternating split squat jumps
15 band squats
15 cable overhead tricep extensions
15 lateral raises
20 seated row
20 standing chest press
20 stationary lunge
20 standing shoulder press
20 standing rotations
20 bicep curls
15 hip thrusts (huh!)
45 seconds plank/single-leg plank
15 double-crunches
15 burpees
20 45-degree lat pulldowns

So I'll pick 6 or 7 of those, alternating legs, arms and core so I can keep going to the end, rest for a minute, then do two more sets. That's Monday, Wednesday and Friday. On Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday I run to the gym, do 20 minutes of HIIT on the treadmill and run home again.

The great thing is that none of it is particularly strenuous and rarely lasts more than 30 minutes. I find this suits me so much better than prolonged gym sessions or 90 minute jogs. Half an hour a day is nothing as long as you can motivate yourself to get on with it. I have unfortunately seriously neglected it in the last two weeks though and will be starting anew this Monday.
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Old 23-02-2008, 09:00   #3
Lara Croft
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Burpess ... OUCH !!!

My routine should be done within an hour and I'll be doing it straight from work so it doesn't take up too much time in the evenings

BF% 28/08/08 - 21%
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Old 23-02-2008, 10:57   #4
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Well due to work my routine is now out of the window. However on monday I will be starting again.

Mon: 2 mile run along millenium path (gorgeous!)
Tues: Pole 45+ mins (combination of CV and strength and endurance)
Weds: 2 mile run (as mon)
Thurs: Power Yoga 45+ mins
Fri: Pole 45+mins

Weekend off - Becks birthday.

During all this week I'll be working on routines for classes and also jumping on pole to try out a new move if it suddenly appears to me.

Am also joining an adult gymnastic club on weds night to increase my flexibility and give me interesting new ideas for pole floorwork.
I fell out of favour with Heaven somewhere, and I'm here for the hell of it now...
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Old 23-02-2008, 11:34   #5
BBx woz 'ere :P
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I vary exercises a lot between days. And I alternate weeks, i.e. 1 week I do heavy, 1 week I do light.

I do it on a rolling roster, in case I can't do that day I just carry it on to the next days. On days where I don't do weights I go to the gym and play basketball, or do some rowing and some (ugh) treadmill.

Also it's quite complicated I sometimes split Day 1, and day 2 with day 4 depending on time.

I've showed a range of weights they vary from light days and maximum on heavy days (and my current 1RM in brackets) - of course I don't do every exercises listed in one session as I said I've just showed every routine I do do.

Weights in KG.

Day 1:


Incline Bench 60-95 (105)
Flat Bench 60-110 (125)
Decline Bench 60-100 (110)
Incline DB 22.5-35 (40 max DB weight )
Decline DB 22.5-37.5 (40 max DB weight )
Cable Flies 20-45 (55)
DB Flies 15-25 (30)
Narrow grip Dips 3x 12 reps + 1 rep till failure
Wide grip dips as above
Weighted Dips 5-15 (20)


Preacher curls on W bar 27.5-50 (60)
21s on olypmic bar 25-30 (32.5)
Hammer curls 15-22.5 (25)
Oylmpic bar standing curls 15-30 (35)

Day 2


Olympic bar Squats 60-150 (170)
Front squats 60-80 (90)
Leg press 100-280 (300)
Calf raises 60-100 (125)
Lunges 60-80 (90)


Skull crushers 22.5-32.5 (40)
Cable pull down 20-60 (70)
Tricep extensions 12-20 (22.5)
Weighted tricep dips 20kg plate

Day 3

Deadlifts 100-170 (190)
Powercleans 60-100 (105)
Bent over rows 60-100 (115)
Lat pull downs narrow grip 60-100 (100 is max weight)
Lat pull downs wide grip 60-100 (100 is max weight)
Cable row 60-100 (100 is max weight)
DB pull overs 35-40 (40 is max db)
DB one handed rows 35-40 (40 is max db)
Cable cross over back extension 20-45 (55)

Day 4


Shrugs 100-130 (150)
Lateral raises 12-17.5 (20)
Side lateral raises 12-17.5 (20)
Military press 50-80 (90)
Arnies 20-25 (27.5)
DB press 17.5-25 (30)
cable raises 15-30 (35)

It's relatively accurate. Certainly on the middle range weights my 1RM vary a lot though on average the weights are going up. I'm hitting the limit of my gym equipment in some areas which sucks.
No No!
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Old 03-03-2008, 20:47   #6
Lara Croft
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Originally Posted by Piggymon View Post
Treadmill - run 1.5 miles ( try to get 20 mins or under, 1st attempt was 20:47 )
18.44 ! GET IN !!

Weights should be going up a little next week.

BF% 28/08/08 - 21%
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Old 03-03-2008, 21:59   #7
Admiral Huddy
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Incline Bench 60-95 (105)
Flat Bench 60-110 (125)
Decline Bench 60-100 (110)
Incline DB 22.5-35 (40 max DB weight )
Decline DB 22.5-37.5 (40 max DB weight )
Cable Flies 20-45 (55)
DB Flies 15-25 (30)
Narrow grip Dips 3x 12 reps + 1 rep till failure
Wide grip dips as above
Weighted Dips 5-15 (20)

How many sets is that?

I just got lost in thought.. It was very unfamiliar territory.
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Old 03-03-2008, 22:20   #8
BBx woz 'ere :P
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Originally Posted by Admiral Huddy View Post

How many sets is that?
I don't do them all in one sesh. I choose usually 3or4 from that list, and split it with Day 4 which is my overlap day.
No No!
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Old 04-03-2008, 10:34   #9
Admiral Huddy
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I was gunna say

Here's mine

The emphasis here is to limit each body group to 8 sets per session but hitting them twice a week. Rather than leaving them for a week using the normal split training method. This means 24 sets per session which seems quite a lot, but since they are split over 3 different muscle groups, it’s easier than it sounds. You’ll also notice I’m supersetting which basically keeps you moving. There’s no hanging around here or time change your ipod tracks. It's solid hard work for an hour and a bit.

The good thing about this routine is even if I miss a session, if I carry on in sequence, regardless of the week, then I’m still hitting all muscle groups twice within 7 days.

Day 1

Warm up muscle groups
4 x flat bench-press super-set with 4 Sets dumbbell flies
4 x Bicep 21s super-set with 4 x Narrow grip triceps presses
4 x Standing wide grip arm curls super-set with 4 sets of tricep pull downs
Cool down and stretch

Day 2

Warm up muscle groups
4 x Shoulder press super-set with 4 x lateral raises
4 x leg press
4 x bend over rows super-set with 4 unilateral side pulls
4 x leg extensions
Cool down and stretch

Day 3

20 minutes cross trainer
20 minutes run
20 minutes row
Cool down and stretch

Day 4

Warm up muscle groups
4 x inclined bench press (dumbbells) super-set with 4 x dumbbell curls
4 x declined bench press (barbell) super-set with 4 x standing wide bicep curls (barbell)
4 x triceps dips with weights super-set with 4 x tricep pull downs
Cool down and stretch

Day 5

Warm up muscle groups
4 x shoulder press (barbell) super-set with 4 x front shoulder raises
4 x Seated rows
4 x Lat pull downs
4 x squat super-set with 4 x dead lift
Cool down and stretch

I've no idea of the weights, I just wack 'em on and see how things go.

I just got lost in thought.. It was very unfamiliar territory.
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Last edited by Admiral Huddy; 04-03-2008 at 10:38.
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Old 13-03-2008, 13:32   #10
Reverse SuBo
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Ha... mine is going to sound paultry compared to all yours but for my own progress thought I would put it down anyway

WB 03/03/08:

Monday: Body Pump class
Wednesday: 2k cross trainer (10mins) / 3k run (16.07mins) / 2k bike (5mins) 100 situps - various styles, Leg lifts and stretch out
Friday: 2k cross trainer (10mins) / 4k run (21.20mins) / 2k bike (5mins) 100 situps - various styles, Leg lifts and stretch out
Saturday and Sunday: 2.5k run (20mins) 100 skips 10 cross skips (easy as a kid **** hard as an adult!) 100 situps - various styles, Leg lifts and stretch out

Am going to try and do a BLT class aswell at some point in the week and am glad its getting lighter in the eves as will be doing the 20min run after work once a week too.

WB 10/03/08:

Monday: Body Pump = Different tutor, she was actually better and went round the class pointing out where you were going wrong.
Wednesday: 3km run = 15.54mins 100 situps - various styles, Leg lifts and stretch out
Thursday: 4km = will report back after lunch! Edit: annoyingly because I was tired and I had to go in the big sweaty gym, the 4km took 26.30mins or thereabouts with 3mins walking which wasn't good 100 situps - various styles, Leg lifts and stretch out
Saturday: 20min run around Rob's area, 100 situps - various styles, Leg lifts and stretch out

WB 17/03/08:

Monday: Body Pump = Went ok..can't wait for the new cd! (yes I was naughty and gatecrashed the class )
Wednesday: 5km run = felt energetic today so would try the whole 5km instead of 3km and came out at 26.53mins (3km = 16.15mins) which made me feel better after the rubbish 4km last week 100 situps - various styles, Leg lifts and stretch out, Plank = 1min 05 but I don't think I'm doing it right as I wasn't infront of the mirror to check, so I may be talking BS here.
Body Pump = thought I would try the other class as I will be going to it next week, different music and different exercises, including tricep dips and alot of tricep work - am going to ACHE tomorrow!
Thursday: Only ache slightly. Did 2km on cross trainer and 4km on treadmill in 21.36 - not as good as last time, but was obviously pooped from last week.
Weekend: 17.30min run (about 2.5km) 100 skips 10 cross skips, 100 situps - various styles, Leg lifts and stretch out

WB 24/03/08:

Tuesday: 3km run = 16mins 100 situps - various styles, Leg lifts and stretch out, plank 1min 03secs
Wednesday: Body Pump Had to use 5kg for most of the routine and 10kg for back exercises because the class was so full as the monday class obv wasn't on!
Thursday: 4km run = 16.15 (3km), min slow 4.35 (1km) to make up 4km - I wouldn't let it beat me! Even though I was in the hot and minging big gym
Saturday: 20min run = 3.35km, 100 situps - various styles, Leg lifts and stretch out

WB 31/03/08:

Monday: Body Pump at lunchtime used 10kg for back - forgot to stretch out - ouch! Now I have started using 10kg I should keep it up... gagging for the new track though!
Tuesday: 3km run = 16.18 was in the minging gym again 100 situps - various styles, Leg lifts and stretch out, plank 50secs
Found out today that they are doing Body Combat and Body Attack in the next week - hurrah! Something new, will have to give it a bash when I'm feeling brave!
Wednesday: Body Pump - HURRAH!!! New BP Track 65 although it was pretty tough so only used what I knew I would be capable of, so will work up after a few sessions some of the tracks are a bit lamearse though and too europoppy
Thursday: 4km run = 21.49 - I wouldn't let it beat me this week! Even though I was in the hot and minging big gym AGAIN and I had to ask a work colleague to get me some paper towell to wipe the sweat from my brow. 100 situps - various styles, Leg lifts and stretch out
Saturday: 17min run (about 2.5km) will need to do skips in the week!

WB 07/04/08:

Monday: Body Pump New track hurrah! Think I need more weights for the clean and press (back?) track
Tuesday: 5min cross trainer, 5mins seated bike, 3km run = 16.18 was in the minging gym again 100 situps - various styles, Leg lifts and stretch out, - all the same which was impressive as I haven't been sleeping well.
Need to do leg exercises, but was shattered!!!
Wednesday: 4km run = 21.38 - was in my little gym full of beans and could breathe! should have done the whole 5km and prob could have if my bloody shoelace hadn't come undone bah! 100 situps - various styles, Leg lifts and stretch out, Plank = 1min
Body Pump - after work, I think I know my optimum weights for this new release so am going to work on improving my technique with these for a couple of weeks before upping them. Upping weights is always a difficulty when they bloody oversubscribe the classes!! Gah!
Thursday: Body Combat - just got back and I found it quite amusing - like I was in a Streetfighter game or something lol. Shoulders going to ache tomorrow from all the jabs! Did the stretches and skipping I missed over the weekend - 100 skips 10 cross skips, 100 situps - various styles, Leg lifts and stretch out.
Weekend: 17.30min run (about 2.5km) 100 skips 10 cross skips, 100 situps - various styles, Leg lifts and stretch out

WB 14/04/08:

Monday: Body Pump alls well!
Tuesday: 5km run = 27.07 slower than last time, but was feeling energetic after a good night's sleep so thought I would do it and I can still - hurrah! Also did 5mins seated bike
Body Combat - Also went to BodyCombat, because I never made the BodyAttack class last night... faster than last week but felt good after it! 100 situps - various styles, Leg lifts and stretch out, plank = 1min
Wednesday: Body pump
Thursday: Running
Friday: Body Attack

BB x

Last edited by BBx; 16-04-2008 at 12:46.
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