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Old 30-03-2008, 11:16   #1
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Default GTA IV

I thought it might be a good idea to start it's own thread

So to kick if off I've just started reading this article on IGN and it's immense (the amount, not content). Have read if you have a spare 30 minutes, there is a follow up article on Monday.
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Old 30-03-2008, 15:43   #2
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Read the first couple of pages of that yesterday, and I'm leaving the rest till I'm in work for something to do when bored. The game is shaping up incredibly well from everything I've read so far.

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Old 30-03-2008, 16:34   #3
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That article's massive
I'm not sure if/when I'm getting GTA4. I can never quite decide with GTA games, I've owned every single one but I always end up bored well before completing them :/
Might wait a few weeks after release as I expect there to be a fair few pre-owned by then much like with most of the new releases (Halo 3 had dozens of pre-owned copies within a week in my local store).
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Old 30-03-2008, 17:34   #4
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I never play the actual game. Well, I play enough to unlock everything then I go nuts. Thats probably why I loved Crackdown as it was basically go nuts and blow stuff up. I think I might try harder with GTA4. That article is stupidly large and I really wish there was a pdf version so I could easily read it. IGN's site is too busy to casually read.
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Old 30-03-2008, 17:44   #5
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What I'll do is create one long post will it all in
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Old 30-03-2008, 17:50   #6
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US, March 28, 2008 - Grand Theft Auto IV, coming to PS3 and 360 April 29, is arguably the most anticipated game of the year. And with good reason. Rockstar is offering gamers a chance to explore the most authentic city ever seen in a videogame, complete with compelling storyline, and a hefty multiplayer. But what went into making such a massive game? We spoke with VP of Creative, Dan Houser and Rockstar North Art Director Aaron Garbut to get an in-depth look at the creative process.

The two provided so much information we had to split the discussion into two separate pieces. Today, you'll learn about the origins of GTA IV's story, what makes Niko the best character Rockstar has ever created, learn about the new dynamic relationship system and find out what went into building Liberty City. On Monday, we'll give you the full scoop on the gameplay additions and improvements.

IGN: What is different in GTA IV's story from the previous three games?

Dan Houser: Well hopefully everything. [laughs] We imagined the world from scratch this time. We kept some of the old brands that it felt -- part of the issue is that there were so many brands. There are 400-500 fake brands in the game, so to start from scratch seemed stupid and it was a nice echo from previous games. In terms of the characters, as we were bringing up the quality of the graphics and the physics and the animation, the quality of the writing and story structure were always balanced to reflect those [things]. So if we were going for a more naturalistic style in physics or lighting, we would go with a more naturalistic style with the writing which would only work if -- the reasons we could pull that off and make the cutscenes slightly longer is because we've got such good facial animation that you can afford to be a little bit more slow-paced in them and a little more intimate with some of them. They've got to look beautiful, some of the cut scenes, and they hold the game together nicely.

In terms of how the story is structured, it's still a crime game and he's still a criminal who works for other criminals, because that's the nature of being a criminal. That's what the world we're trying to depict is, but we're trying to make some aspects more subtle and more sophisticated.

Check out the latest trailer.

I think the big things are to make Niko a more rounded character than some of the previous characters, without becoming too imposing because what I feel works well in one of these games is the biggest character is the city. The biggest character that Aaron [Garbut], the Art Director, and his crew make is this world. When I'm playing the game, I've got to feel a tight bond with the guy I'm playing as, so you've got to feel like he doesn't know things you don't know. Like if he's meeting all these people that he knows and [he's] all, "Ah this and ah that and let's go over here." Well you've never been there before, so the [connection] kind of gets broken. But at the same time if he's kind of a complete ghost with no memories or existence before that, he's a very shallow character. You can't end up relating to him.

We gave Niko more of a background, slightly more fleshed out back story than in the past, one that felt easy enough to relate to, to us. And then gave him one relationship he'd know, who is Roman, his cousin. The rest is him exploring the world as you explore the world and meeting people as you meet them.

But, I suppose the fundamental difference is just we've worked on the game for a long time now -- you know, on the GTA games -- we've still got the same guys working on the games as have always worked on them. The team's bigger but it's made up of the same core people, so we're just more experienced at doing it. We know how to do this stuff better having done it as best we could in the past, but it would be pretty boring if we hadn't improved at doing it. With better equipment and more experience, hopefully we can do a better job.

The fundamental other change, it's difficult to talk about this because people get very confused about what we're saying and to think it's multi-branching... There are plenty of sections of the story when you manipulate outcomes and have choice over the outcome as the player, some of which fundamentally change the story, but it's not like there's 10,000 different options because, again, that wouldn't make sense for the character, where he is in the world because he's fundamentally being pushed around by more powerful people. But you have plenty of good points where it makes sense logically, in terms of the choice you're given and narratively, you get to make choices and that's kind of a fun twist on a GTA game.

IGN: How radical a change is the art style from San Andreas?

Aaron Garbut: Like every other facet of the game we took this opportunity to strip things back and start again. I think there's a thread of the original style there but it's much more refined. There's a new grittiness to it and the over saturated texturing and lighting and cartoony feel is gone but we're still not aiming for realism by any means.

When you put a screen from [the first] GTA, GTA III and GTA IV next to each other I think you can trace a stylistic thread through them all and I also think that the jump in detail is similar between each. It's exciting to see how far we've come and to think how far we can still push things.

"Sometimes I get so angry, I don't know what comes over me, baby!"
IGN: What should people take away from the trailer that they might not immediately get just from a first viewing?

Houser: It's good, isn't it?

IGN: I love it. I felt like those first three trailers lead up to it. It's kind of like a big burst.

Houser: We hadn't yet got the thing [in previous trailers] that gave you the visceral quality of the action in the game. Partially because the game wasn't ready at that point. The first trailer was made and the game is running, but it's still rough. The cutscenes are coming on board by the second trailer, so we polish up a few of them to get them in there. This time we've really got action that felt like, '"This is how the game feels."

"We wanted to capture... these kinds of characters who are kind of worn out and broken and that this is their last shot, using this Eastern European guy to try and help them out of this last big hole they've dug for themselves."
We wanted it to be more about the visceral qualities of the game and action and less about story, because the last two trailers have been about setting up a story. This one's about setting up a mood -- The idea that it's actually really difficult to be a criminal today. It's easy to be a guy swindling people on the Internet, but to be a drug dealer or a mob boss or one of these other archetype criminals -- there's so much surveillance, so many ways of capturing you and so many people rat you out that it was really hard. It's like the end of an era.

We wanted to capture that idea in the game and these kinds of characters who are kind of worn out and broken and that this is their last shot, using this Eastern European guy to try and help them out of this last big hole they've dug for themselves. We wanted to capture that mood in the trailer. And then also that feeling of very, very intense action. As the bullets start to ricochet off everything, how does that feel? That's something we're getting in the game for the first time that we couldn't get in the previous games. Because you're picking your own path through it in a way you couldn't before.

IGN: One of the things that I find really interesting about it is just the idea of those kind of relationships and how they work. I've only seen two examples so far: The first is the one on the first date. After the date, I actually pulled out a bat on the girl and I got that scene where Niko's like, "I don't know what came over me, baby!" Obviously that's going to fundamentally change how she views Niko. The other one is where you get a call when you're on the date from your cousin who's in trouble, the loan sharks are after him. Where you can choose whether or not you want to stay on the date or help him out. Can you talk about how that works out, like is that going to be something we're going to see thread throughout the game, those kinds of choices?

Houser: Well, not exactly like that, because we tried to build everything for each mission, but lots of different bits and pieces like that, yeah. We wanted choices in all kinds of ways to be part of the game. In some ways, without, again, wanting to criticize games that we loved making at the time and put a $#!@load of effort in -- we spent a lot of time trying to massively overhaul what we've done in the past -- the feeling was that maybe by San Andreas that some of the missions got too linear. So one thing we wanted to do was put a lot of choice in how you did that mission. There are multiple ways of doing a mission, and then at the end of them, some of them, you have a choice, "what do you do or do you not here?" And then there are ramifications from those choices. [We're] trying to meet halfway between, trying to make the gap between the story and the non-story that always felt very defined in previous games. You're either doing a mission or you weren't, and we tried to make the distance between those a little bit closer. So, I saw this guy in a mission -- I don't want to give away too many story spoilers. If stories are going to matter in games, then not talking about them before you've played the game is quite important, but as far as trying to talk about it theoretically. There are missions where you go and you have the cutscene and there's a small character that's out of it... you can bump into later walking around the world, and talk to him then or not. And if you don't then maybe there are ramifications of doing that coming into the story.

It's trying to do a lot of little touches that are quite subtle that the player would only realize if they played through the game, but rather than it feeling like in the old game it was very much like, "well I'm doing a story, or I'm doing this or I'm doing that." [Now] it's all kind of, "you're playing as Niko in this world and here's some things you've got to do for these people you don't like, here's some other people you don't like, here's someone you just met who's a kind of bleeding heart, needs your help on the street, totally different type of character. Well go and help them." We're trying to use the nature of a game, which is wandering around this virtual space, as best we could to tell stories in a slightly different way.

If you want, you can surrender to the cops.
IGN: So is part of the hope then that if I play the game and I come up to my friend and I'm like, "oh man, this, this and this happened," and the friend is like, "oh well, something completely different happened to me." Is that something that you guys are going for?

Houser: Yeah, within reason. It's not like there's 14,000 different paths through the game at all, because again you couldn't do that at this level of production value. But yeah, there's plenty of things that if you play through the game and I play through the game, we'll have broadly similar experiences, but there's lots of twists and turns where you'll have made different choices, done different things, just randomly seen different things and there will be plenty of differences in those. Including some cutscenes -- not fundamental ones. It should feel pretty fun to the player, feel like they are manipulating the outcomes.

IGN: One of the things that I also found really surprising was just how much alternate dialogue there was. So you're with Packie, you fail a mission, and the next time you're on the mission he has something different to say. What was the decision to do that?

"There are missions where you go and you have the cutscene and there's a small character that's out of it... you can bump into later walking around the world, and talk to him then or not. And if you don't then maybe there are ramifications of doing that coming into the story."
Houser: I suppose where that came from was the idea that we want it to feel like you're the star of your own movie. That can't happen if everything feels canned. It has to feel more vibrant than that. The nature of the game is that you are going to fail missions and you are going to have to repeat them. You can't do that if you want the missions to feel tight, for there to be any progress in the game. That made sense to us and it wasn't something we would change. But then we're like, "well how do we make the sensation of repeating a mission feel less canned and less like Groundhog Day?" Well, one of those ways was that dialogue shouldn't be exactly the same. Maybe they cover similar themes, maybe they don't. There's key information in there, they're going to give you the key information, but apart from that, just do a different version. Yeah, it doubles the workload, but for the person playing the game, it makes it the experience 10 times more engaging in some ways.

IGN: Touching back on relationship stuff, when I was doing a mission with Packie, at one point a woman t-boned us, we get out of the car, she's yelling at us and Packie gets out and just shoots her. And I thought that was great, that idea that this specific character is somebody that anybody who's a threat, he's just going to take out.

Houser: Yeah, another thing, we wanted to give all of the characters more definable AI -- within reason; behaviors, things like that, and also dialogue that will match that. Some of them, when you get drunk, they'll talk to you and some of them will talk differently. Some of them will go from quite passive when they're sober to really angry drunks. Some of the angry characters are very maudlin when they're drunk. Little touches like that are kind of partnering between AI and dialogue, that again just make it feel a lot more vivid and alive and [offer] lots of things to discover.

Giving you things to discover about people seemed like an interesting thing to play with. So with the friends, for example, the more you hang out with the particular guy, they keep giving you more of their life story and their self-perception and maybe when they're drunk they give you a different version and all that stuff. So there's a lot of depth there for people that want to discover that stuff. If you're not interested, don't hang out with them. You won't get the rewards of discovering [things] about them, and you won't get the gameplay rewards that some of them give you as well.

IGN: I love Niko. He's really looks like no one I've seen in a game before, but is also a great fit in GTA IV. Was he modeled after anyone?

Garbut: Not really -- we liked track suits and strong brow lines. We played around with various Eastern European looks and ended up with him, based on lots of stills of characters in films, and photographs of guys fighting in wars in winter in the former Yugoslavia and Chechnya and so on. But the main thing was to get a character whose face could convey the emotions we wanted, and whose body type looked good when moving, with all of the new animation, without at any time seeming to be too heroic.

IGN: Having Niko come to Liberty City, which is basically a virtual version of New York, it's an immigrant story, which obviously has to be set in New York because this is where immigrants historically come first, but was it that you decided to do a re-imagined New York and then you built Niko to fit in there, or was it that you had the idea of Niko and then you said, "that's a perfect fit for doing it in Liberty City"?

Houser: I've been asked this before, but the honest answer is that I can't remember, because we don't really sit and have a conscious planning session like that. The guys who are involved make their decisions, which is me and Sam [Houser] and Leslie [Benzies] and Aaron [Garbut] at North and a few other guys get ideas bounced off them as well. I don't think we've ever once sat in a room, the four of us, and talked about that. Just over e-mail and they kind of both came together. We wanted New York because, it was much as anything, a production issue... We've never tried to do it before.

"With the friends, for example, the more you hang out with the particular guy, they keep giving you more of their life story and their self-perception and maybe when they're drunk they give you a different version and all that stuff."
Vice City was obviously Miami, San Andreas was obviously California. Liberty City [in GTA III] was not meant to be New York. It was meant to be a made-up city that had elements of New York, it had elements of Philadelphia or Boston or anywhere on the East Coast. Some elements were kind of a Detroit or a Chicago because at that point we were just trying to make a world in 3D. Figuring out things like how to do sound in 3D, how to do the radio in a kind of 3D type world -- all these things that doing them somewhere accurately didn't really seem interesting or relevant or necessary at that point. So we've never done New York, so that, to us, felt like a golden opportunity.

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[The previous games] felt in some ways like they were alluding to an era or alluding to a set of movies. We were consciously trying to not do that this time. The last few years have not been golden eras for gangster movies, much as we love gangster films. We wanted to do something that felt fresh and felt like it was our own thing, whether it was because we felt more confident or we felt that there wasn't other interesting stuff out there or that the game was ready for it. We had the technology to make a game that could handle that stuff. So we kept looking around. Well, we don't want to do a mafia story, cause that's been done to death. We've done that to death, let alone movies and TV shows that we definitely like. We certainly have some characters like that in there but they're not going to be the center piece of the game. And so we kept trying and playing around with other ideas and we'd just done an African-American lead in San Andreas and that was fun and it was an interesting experience and we worked with a lot of fun guys in that, but we don't want to repeat that because that's going to start to be derivative. By the time of having done Liberty City Stories and Vice City Stories, feeling like we wanted something that feels so refreshed because people had been, "Okay, well let's find the real outsider, then." By the nature of these characters, they're always going to be doing things that are incredibly dangerous, because that's how you make fun missions. So it's always got to be people who feel very alienated and they'll do that stuff.

And certainly in terms of research and talking to criminal experts, they were all, "Well yeah, you know, the issue in the mob these days is that everyone's a rat. No one wants to do the hard time anymore, even if they [ever] did. A lot of that stuff's mythology anyway. The real scary characters are not born in America anymore, because life's too comfortable." So that was where we began to come up with the idea of an immigrant, and then it began to feel like, "yeah, that would be fun," because the other side of the game, exploring the world, will feel great with an immigrant because he can really look at this overblown interpretation of American culture with these fresh eyes like, "all you guys talk about is money," or, "all you guys talk about is status." Really kind of see that stuff with a new pair of eyes. So that seemed feel like, "Well that would be really fun."

So that was kind of how Niko began to take shape, and it came together more or less at the same time and fitted together very well. Slightly different conversations with broadly the same people, but they ended up being like, "Well that's great because if we want to do him, and we want to do New York, they fit together really well."

IGN: Would it be fair to say that Niko's story is not like a typical gangster story that we've seen where it's a guy who comes from nothing and he builds himself up and he's the big mob boss at the end. It's kind of on the level of Mean Streets pride where it's a very small group of guys in a mess of trouble?

Houser: Kind of halfway between the two. Because the games are so long -- they are much longer than a movie -- we toyed with it just being a very small group of guys and it ended up feeling very, very narrow and boring after a while, so we need a bunch of characters. You meet a lot of people, and also that's a good motivator to moving around the map.

"You know, the issue in the mob these days is that everyone's a rat. No one wants to do the hard time anymore, even if they [ever] did... The real scary characters are not born in America anymore, because life's too comfortable."
Still, it has to work as a video game. I don't think it's a proper limitation on storytelling in the game; it's just the nature of the medium. There are things that work well in films that wouldn't work well in the game and things that work well in a book that don't work well in a film, and I think games are not yet as sophisticated a medium, but they're getting there... That's just the reality of it; it does have this special element and moving around the map is such a part of the game.

We wanted it [so] you didn't feel like you became the king of New York, the king of Liberty City. That didn't really feel like it was going to be appropriate, so we do have some characters that can give you some more spectacular missions because at the same time it still is entertainment and meant to be really fun. So they make sense as to why they're giving the more outlandish mission without being too outlandish, but [with] helicopters and that kind of stuff. [Niko's] not focused on, "I want to become the king of the city; I want to take over this place." He's got his own motivations for doing what he's doing and they just want to find an easier way of living than what they're doing at the start of the game, which is scrabbling around, driving taxis, being in debt, getting beaten up by people. That is more their motivation. They're not interested in any way with trying to be king of this world.

IGN: Do you think Niko's a character that is easier for people to empathize with than maybe some of the previous lead characters in GTA games?

Houser: I don't know, I mean... It's a balancing act, given the nature of the game. Obviously in GTA III, he didn't speak. You could completely impose yourself on him apart from when you'd say, "Well don't do that, shoot over there." The reason for that was purely that at the time there were so many new things that we were figuring out that we were like, "Jeez, let's not even think about that right now." And then, towards the end of development we were like, "Okay, this is actually how we actually do it; the way that they speak and their AI reactions to things," and we though, okay, when we do Vice City we'll put all that in, we'll figure out how to make it all work. The cinematic side of the game really [leaping] forward. But we always tried to make it fun. If the guy's an out-and-out dick, it isn't fun to play as them.

IGN: Don't make me the lead character in a GTA game. It wouldn't be fun.

Houser: Why? Oh, I get it now, but you seem like a nice chap.

IGN: No, I'm horrible.

Houser: But the other element is they also need to be reasonably hard because they are gangsters and they're doing some pretty unsavory things -- sometimes with bad motivation, sometimes with good motivation. I think with Niko, the difference is... part of it is just technology. The facial animation, and because of the definition on the model, you can just see his face responding to stuff so you understand what he's feeling and you can get a more sympathetic performance from him than you could ever in the previous games. And the actor also did a phenomenal job. It's the same guy mocapping and doing the voice, and I've watched a lot of GTA cutscenes in my time, many of them 50 to 100 times each and Niko is without a doubt my favorite character we've ever had. Hands down, no question. In some of the other games the side characters were a lot more punchy. Niko, in every scene, is more fun and magnetic. I think the guys who directed the scenes and then the actor just did a fantastic job with him. So in that way he's very relatable too.

Where's there's smoke, there's an RPG.

But it was also, I think, trying to make the story more detailed and more focused, more hi-definition will have an impact on the story. By its nature [it] will make him more sympathetic because we consider his motives a little bit more. We don't say what's wrong or right. Also, because he ends up doing a lot of nasty things for nasty people, but he also ends up doing some nasty things that have positive effects on not such nasty people.

He uses his strength -- which is being a reasonably tough bastard who doesn't know if he necessarily has much to live for -- he uses that as a positive force as well as a negative force throughout the game. He meets these kinds of damsels in distress-type characters and saves these lost girls and lost guys who need his help. So in that way, you can relate to him. On the other hand, he's a cold-hearted killer, but he's aware of that in himself. So I think he's a fun character to play as. He's not in any way soft, but you can definitely relate to aspects of his personality.

IGN: You have tons and tons of extra characters in the game that have important roles. So what's the creation process on those guys? Is it that you kind of do like a storyline first, a general storyline then you build it out or you just kind of make these guys and throw them in there and see how they fit?

Houser: Again, I'm sorry I can't give you a better answer than this because it's rather dull, but there isn't really a super-formal process because we're all used to working together and no one's really like that... We define those two things: we define the city and we define the lead character so the concept artists can begin to draw. So they have some ideas and the character artists can begin playing around with the side ideas and the map artists can begin to start the enormous and mammoth task that is building that world in that detail. They'll start looking at, "is neighborhood interesting, is that neighborhood interesting." They're looking at maps, they're looking at photographs, using knowledge, the researchers here offering input into everything and the world is taking shape that way.

On the character and story side, it's a lot more haphazard than that. We begin talking and making notes of this kind of character and this kind of storyline and this kind of twist. At the same time we've defined -- loosely -- Niko and so we begin to find some issues and so over time what became clear is that Niko was going to need some form of reason to be turning up there. That became Roman. The dream in any of this stuff is that at any level you might find the NPCs interesting enough to care about. Hopefully we've had memorable [characters] for a while, but the aim is something slightly more detailed in hi-definition for some of them to be people you can care about, so missions where you're saving them have an extra depth to them. We wanted this relationship with Roman to be... well, they couldn't quite be brothers because then they'd know each other better, because there's an element of betrayal but they needed to be really close. So cousins began to feel like a cool relationship. Niko was going to be a guy with a back story -- I don't want to go into too much detail about the back story -- he'd been in this war and has all this... He began to take shape as the guy who was running away from Europe and was trying to leave his life behind, and then Roman, we wanted him to be the opposite, which is someone who's being pulled to America because he sees it as this great land of opportunity.

So that kind of double act; Roman's a fantasist because he thinks he's at the point of breaking in and making it really big, but he's a charming guy and then Niko's very tough and a strong guy but at the same time cynical, not as good with people and a bit more awkward. And that felt like they could play off each other. So that was the kind of core relationship and then imagining the situation Roman would be in and we wanted them to be dealing with a lot of Russian and other Eastern European crooks early on in the game. Then, at the same time, we'd be talking about classic New York characters.

What we could do this time that we couldn't do in the past, using mechanics in the story a little bit differently was almost... you could think of key kinds of criminals and activity. We want to represent something that seemed like a good idea, but this idea was not off a great deal of research it was just off knowing a little bit about the city and then actually dreaming that this is actually happening. Which was this idea that you get these two African-American, uptown wanna-be player characters where one's very modern and the other's like -- we wanted this guy that was fresh out of jail who was like an early '90s drug dealer, at first big and very tough guys, but who'd been in prison for the last 15-16 years and missed out on all the ideas of bling and the obsession with consumer products. His idea of a higher life was a kind of BMW and now their idea is a penthouse and a gold painted jet. And he would just find this ridiculous, and then recently I was reading about all those old drug dealers who just got out of jail and fortunately we were on the right kind of lines.

What kind of criminal will you be?

We just started populating the map and the world, making sure Niko's got the overall quest, an overall goal and some of his past that catches up against his wishes. So he's got his own storyline and motivations which is why he's going to do this job for people. He's got a few things that keep pushing him through the map, be it Roman's gambling or some other issues that crop up, and then a bunch of other characters with their own motivations of why they let you into their own world and why they do these things.

So that was how the criminal/main story part game together, but then what we also wanted to -- we'd thought about this in the past but it just wasn't feasible on the previous machines to make it look good -- was the idea that, and I don't know if you've ever lived in New York, but part of the experience is that you walk around and you meet crazy people. We have a lot of crazy people here, and a lot of high energy characters, and they're not even necessarily sitting on the street, wearing a diaper crying crazy, but are just kind of... they might be a banker but they're incredibly high-strung and want you to know how difficult their life is.

"Roman's a fantasist because he thinks he's at the point of breaking in and making it really big, but he's a charming guy and then Niko's very tough and a strong guy but at the same time cynical, not as good with people and a bit more awkward. And that felt like they could play off each other."
We wanted to capture that element of things in the game and it gave us a chance to do a lot of characters that you wouldn't meet [since] you're a criminal so obviously you're not going to meet these people, but if wanted to capture the essence of New York in the old [GTA] days, we'd have to put that in the radio or hint at it in the way the pedestrians behaved. You could say a couple words, but you could never really release or [interact] to them. But this time around, you can walk around the world and meet people. Not tons of them, but there's a bunch of characters you can meet, and they're this range of New York personalities, some of whom you meet during story arcs, some of whom you only meet the once.

A classic one is here we are on Broadway and Houston and if you walk up to 14th Street you'll get stopped maybe five times by someone going, "Hey, man, do you like hip-hop? Buy my CD of hip-hop." We've gotta put that in the game! So you walk down the street and some guy comes up and goes, "Do you like hip-hop?" That triggers another scene, and that guy's kind of a ridiculous character but Niko's friendly to him because he doesn't know any other way to be and that leads into another mission. Lots of touches like that where you're not really looking for a mission but you stumble upon it and it smashes the difference between on-mission and off-mission, it condenses it down, but it also lets you use a lot of characters that feel very New York-esque and that you couldn't otherwise find a place for in this gangster story.

IGN: Yeah, actually, when I was walking here yesterday, I had a man run buy who was wearing a unitard -- and you know it was freezing yesterday -- and he was carrying a pair of skis and he ran into a jewelry store. And I thought, "That's New York. You can't see that anywhere else in the world."

Houser: Yeah, preachers on the street, and we wanted to capture that -- and again, that stuff you just couldn't have done it on the PS2. You can now. Not as much as you might want but there's still plenty there. You still have lots and lots of things to be discovered by wandering the streets. You can hear about them on the news in the game, and suddenly you're reacting with them.

IGN: I'd imagine one of the challenges in a game such as this is finding a way to create unique-looking pedestrians. What was the philosophy behind designing people on the street?

"We don't have a single type of lamppost, we have 30 odd variations. This idiotic level of detail and variety carries through all aspects of the game."
Garbut: We spent a lot of time driving and walking around New York, filming as much as we could then broke this down into character types based on area. It was essential to us to get the right mix of characters, dressed in the right sort of clothes. Everything needs to work in unison to create a believable world. Each area of the city needed to be distinct and characterize the real area and it needed to be populated by the right cars and the right people doing the right kind of things.

IGN: And how do their appearance change based on where you are in Liberty City?

Garbut: Each area in the city on almost a block by block basis is filled with the correct sort of pedestrians you'd expect to see there. The right ethnic mixes, the right kind of clothing, they'll be driving the kind of cars you'd expect to see there. There's a random element just as there is in a real city but we've broken down the world enough to have each area feel right. The numbers and mix of cars and characters will vary throughout the day and week. Basically it mirrors reality as much as we could make it mirror reality.

IGN: What new challenges do hi-res graphics present for an open-world game?

Garbut: The main challenge is the obvious one -- detail. We need to fill the world with so much more stuff to make it interesting. There's a huge amount of work involved with that. Our props department has created a sickening amount of variation of every conceivable object. We don't just have a bin to stick down the odd alleyway, we have hundreds of variations on rubbish, discarded couches, bits of cardboard, all of which need to be setup to break apart convincingly complete with lots of unique particles from our effects department. We don't have a single type of lamppost, we have 30 odd variations. This idiotic level of detail and variety carries through all aspects of the game.

Bridge over troubled water.
With that kind of detail and variety in the props we need something similar in the world itself. The map is massive, but it's also ridiculously dense and every area is detailed. We treated the alleyways with as much importance as the shop fronts. It's such a massive undertaking to create this level of detail over such as large area. And it impacts on every part of the art.

The increase in fidelity makes the smaller details more important. We have a design department who has spent years creating fictional companies and products. This is all tied into the in-game advertising on billboards, Internet, radio etc. Everything that would be branded is branded and it all ties together in a cohesive way from car manufacturers to headache pills.

IGN: I feel like with the use of NaturalMotion and current-gen technology, the world feels a bit more grounded. Niko moves like a real person. He walks, he isn't speeding through the world. The world feels a little more alive.

Houser: Well, it had to. I sometimes get a little frustrated when you read some of the press and people are like, "Yeah, this was what was crap about the previous games!" And I'm like, that's a little bit unfair because for their time and the hardware, the previous games were incredibly progressive and pushed the machines hard. But of course no hardware is as good as the real world, so you're always going to make compromises. That being said, we obviously felt there were plenty of things in a game where... there's obviously huge elements for improvement. Until you're doing that in exactly the way you want it, there're obviously always going to be things you want to improve, and what we set out to do was to make this first true high definition gaming experience and we broke that down into three things that we wanted to radically improve.

One was, as a pure piece of videogame design... I think that GTA was always a very clever piece of videogame design. It flows better than anything else had been able to [do] between the various modes. That was always perceived as some kind of holy grail, to combine modes, and GTA always did it effortlessly to the point where that's now became the standard way of doing it. How do you actually put an action game in an open world? That was seen as a very complicated thing to [do]. The holy grail of game design. GTA III showed you how you could do that in 3D. So obviously we don't want to throw everything away, but we did want to improve every single mechanic. Make the game flow better, make the game feel better in their hands. Video games are tactile by their nature, and for it to feel next-generation it had to feel better. We obviously had a lot more power to play with, to do a lot more of that stuff. So, lots of animations, all the new physics, the way we worked with NaturalMotion... All, that stuff was important and progressive. We wanted to redo all the targeting, redo everything mechanical, from how missions flowed into each other -- all of that side of things. So that was one aspect of it.

Another aspect was, we wanted to make a better cinematic or narrative experience. To some extent, the fact that you've now got choices in the story moves beyond cinema in a way, but the element of characters that you care about, some kind of character development, side-characters, the idea of building up -- well, it's much longer than a movie. If you watch the cutscenes back to back it's twice the length of a movie. So it kind of has to flow more like long form like a long novel or a talk series or a TV show. But you wanted something that flowed like a story, had a side story, changes, movements, but [does] the job of a game, which is to move you around the map and introduce you to the feature set of the game, but trying to make that experience better.

He ain't buying Cam'ron's latest album.
And then thirdly, we wanted to do was develop the idea of a world. The virtual world that you are exploring and the content in that and the things you've got to do in your spare time, that kind of combination of structured spare time -- things like bowling or dating, or hanging out with your friends -- some of which we kind of touched on in our previous games, we wanted to get them to hang together a lot better. And then the more passive free time, just driving around time and looking at the world, we put a lot of improvement in that.

Those kind of three ideas, the world, the story, and the pure videogame guts of it all -- we thought if we improved all those and stayed consistent, we'd have something pretty special.

IGN: Yeah, that's what gives this a different feel from San Andreas and Vice City and even GTA III is that it seems like you're more a part of that world than maybe you were before.

Houser: Definitely. That was something we were totally trying to achieve this time, and were trying to achieve as best we could in the previous games within limitations and within time budget/experience, and I can't stress enough that for me the pleasure of making these games is working with these guys. I always get a bit upset when you read articles and some relatively senior people on some teams are just like, "Yeah, I did this and I did that," and I'm like, "You never did anything!"

I'm totally focused on -- I'm just here speaking to you, but it could be any of a hundred other guys involved in the game and with GTA, it's the reason the games have kept being progressive. The reason that we do a game that is [as] ambitious as this is because we have a lot of experience and some of the best guys in the industry are on this team.

"We basically selected all the bits and pieces of New York that we thought characterized it the best. The major landmarks, the key areas. Then we filled in the blanks with a caricature of the city. It works I think because it fits with the way so many people experience New York."
The thing that I probably get the most upset about is when people go, "Well GTA's not about the graphics," And I'm like, "I don't agree with that point. It's not about hi-res graphics, as hi-res as they can be," but the worlds always looked to me -- and maybe I'm deluded in this, but they always looked to me -- lived in, in a way most people can't achieve. Couch for couch, plenty of guys can model as good a couch as you'd see in a GTA game, but what they can't do is make this whole scene look like this whole scene [motioning around room], because Aaron and the other senior artists on the team are obsessed by not how good the couch looks, but how good the room looks with everything in it. How the walls seem, dirt layers between -- little things you'll never notice consciously, but subconsciously it just makes the environment look more organic and lived in. There's a slightly chipped bit of paint and there's marks here; little things that you'll never notice but your eye just makes it feel very, very lived in and organic.

Race that midnight train.

IGN: How do you make GTA IV accurate to New York, but still keep it uniquely Liberty City? It can't be just about having some fictional branding in Times Square.

Garbut: We basically selected all the bits and pieces of New York that we thought characterized it the best. The major landmarks, the key areas. Then we filled in the blanks with a caricature of the city. It works I think because it fits with the way so many people experience New York. There's a familiarity I think everyone has with the city whether they have been there or not. We've seen the city so many times in so many ways in film or print that we kind of know it, it's the same way any city is remembered after visiting -- we remember the highlights, and our mind kind of fills in the blanks with the general vibe of each area. The first time I visited the city I had that same feeling of familiarity. I really felt I knew the place. So by capturing that same caricature rather than rigidly copying what is there I think we get closer to most people experience of the city.

But this is balanced with a lot of research. Rockstar is obviously based there, we have fulltime researchers and the team has visited a lot. We have so much video and photo footage and we had the researchers to fill in the blanks for us. Basically Liberty city is the best and worst bits of New York and a New York that Giuliani hadn't cleaned up.

IGN: Was it being somewhat faithful to New York ever limiting?

Garbut: We've never allowed it to be limiting. It's Liberty City first, it is a fictional place so we had license to do what we wanted. We made sure we had the key features we felt we needed to include, whether they were iconic buildings, bridges, or even areas of city. We kept it very roughly geographically accurate, keeping everything in approximately the right place. But that left us open to do whatever we wanted in between. I've never really seen the point of doing a carbon copy of a city in a game -- if you do that it's all about compromising the game for the sake of reality where it should be the other way around.

IGN: One of my co-workers who came here and was playing the multiplayer, we were doing the helicopter races and were flying around -- and he used to live in New York, lived near Ground Zero -- and he actually flew by his place and was like, "You know, I've actually seen my place in a couple other games, but honestly this the first game that almost brick-for-brick looks and seems just like my old apartment."

"You can't really do that stuff in a film, you can't really do that stuff in a book. There's no medium that can do that in a way that a game can. That's the thing that we've always been conscious about with GTA, that's why we've always loved doing open world games."
Houser: Well, hopefully! We've been doing research for a long time with these games, but we did do a lot [for GTA IV]. We had 60 artists serving here from [Rockstar] North at one point or 60 guys helping the artists for a week early on, and we have a full time team here taking requests from them. It could be anything from, "Can you go and capture this particular building, want to make sure," to just, "Can you use some time lapse photography for the way the sky looks so we can make sure the sky then looks accurate," or, "What about traffic flow?" So we got video of traffic flow. The most weird, arcane tasks; look at census data, to check we've got the racial makeup approximate for any neighborhood. We're not trying to make a brick-for-brick New York; it's supposed to be a digital re-creation.

And again, this is one of the reasons why we wanted to do a New York-based game because at least some section of the guys involved are based here and for the guys in Scotland, they can all come over here. We wanted to do something where we could really capture the essence of it, really use the nature of a game, which is giving you this kind of special environment you can explore, to do something you couldn't really do in any other medium. Basically to build you the full 3D living film set that you can explore, which is another area where I think games have an enormous power that people are just beginning to tap into.

Vigilante missions are back.

You can't really do that stuff in a film, you can't really do that stuff in a book. There's no medium that can do that in a way that a game can. That's the thing that we've always been conscious about with GTA, that's why we've always loved doing open world games, but that was something we really felt this time -- well, you know, that was the thing I was talking about with this world where we can really bring it alive in a way people haven't really seen before.
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Last edited by leowyatt; 30-03-2008 at 18:02.
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Old 30-03-2008, 18:51   #7
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Damn thats a lot I like the multiplayer helicopters thing.
Thats no hamster, its a space station!
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Old 30-03-2008, 19:01   #8
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haven't even read it all myself yet just copied and pasted it into here
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Old 03-04-2008, 08:55   #9
Joe 90
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look - another awesome GTA story...
And the game has a lot of nice touches an awful lot of nice touches that really have nothing to do with game play. When you snag a car, sometimes the door is left unlocked and you can just hop in. Other times you have to smash in the window with an elbow.

To shoot while driving you have to smash out your window. Once, while driving around a guy who was smoking pot, I smashed out the window and within seconds billowing clouds of smoke were pouring through the busted glass.
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Last edited by Joe 90; 03-04-2008 at 08:58.
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Old 03-04-2008, 08:57   #10
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The other article on IGN went up yesterday but I haven't had chance to stick it on here
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