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Old 09-09-2008, 10:54   #1
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Default Some things I just don't get.

On this strange and varied journey we call life, I have come across somethings that I really just can't fathom out and ask why. Bit of a random thread but here goes

The Whole fuss about the Beatles

I wouldn't say that I am a music officiando or a ludite either but I just can't get my head around the whole fuss about The Beatles. Was music that bad in the 60's that they were the only saving grace. Maybe its a generation thing and my kids will say "Dad, Nirvana ????? Whats the big deal"

Garage Music
Following on from the Beatles, is it me or is it just noise.

American's who wear white socks.

Anyone who has been to the warmer parts of America may know what I mean. You can be walking round the theme parks, round the mall or just out and about and you see a whole family of Americans. Dressed up in the latest Abercrombie gear, looking all smart then the biggest pair of white sports socks you have ever seen. It just looks, well so uncool


In a word Why ??? I really don't get the fuss

Old Folk who moan at young kids.

Again I really can't get my head around this. I run an under 7's football team and every Tuesday night there is some middle aged woman who comes onto the School field adjacent to her house claiming she will call the police, report us to the school and the council. Despite the fact we rent the field off the bloomin school as it is. They moan when kids go around in gangs and they moan when the kids get fat, now they moan if the kids do organised sport run by responsible adults. What I don't get is were these people born at the age of 45 and have no childhood at all ???

I'm sure there are things in life that you just can't get your head around or understand. Feel free to share your frustrations or confusions.

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Old 09-09-2008, 10:56   #2
Long Island Iced Tea
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I think its something to do with different people having different opinions, or something.
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Old 09-09-2008, 11:00   #3
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Originally Posted by loki View Post
Old Folk who moan at young kids.

Again I really can't get my head around this. I run an under 7's football team and every Tuesday night there is some middle aged woman who comes onto the School field adjacent to her house claiming she will call the police, report us to the school and the council. Despite the fact we rent the field off the bloomin school as it is. They moan when kids go around in gangs and they moan when the kids get fat, now they moan if the kids do organised sport run by responsible adults. What I don't get is were these people born at the age of 45 and have no childhood at all ???

I concur, old people should be rounded up and shot- would also solve the problem of pensions
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Old 09-09-2008, 11:01   #4
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The Beatles are OK and white socks used to be fashionable here, it's just how things go. I don't get flares but they come in and out of fashion. It's a shame that sparkley tight disco jeans and boob tubes have never really come back

Baseball. Ahh, tell Americans that our schoolgirls play it and it's really called rounders. It gives them the hump.

Garage. I can't tell the difference between garage, house, and all that stuff. Sandstorm. What's that, garage, house, hippity hoppity, what? (but I like it).
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Old 09-09-2008, 11:03   #5
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Originally Posted by Feek View Post
Baseball. Ahh, tell Americans that our schoolgirls play it and it's really called rounders. It gives them the hump.
and tell them that Rugby is just American Football without padding
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Old 09-09-2008, 11:03   #6
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Each to their own.

Personally I think the Beatles are fantastic and that house is complete and utter tosh.

It'd be a very, very dull world if we all liked and disliked the same things.
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Old 09-09-2008, 11:03   #7
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Originally Posted by leowyatt View Post
and tell them that Rugby is just American Football without padding
Or Rugby for wusses as I call it.
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Old 09-09-2008, 11:07   #8
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Originally Posted by Burble View Post
Or Rugby for wusses as I call it.
that would work
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Old 09-09-2008, 11:13   #9
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Originally Posted by loki View Post
The Whole fuss about the Beatles
It's a different generation! I love the Beatles for their simplicity, their clarity and their voices. IMO they're the Oasis of yesterday.

Garage Music
Yeh... I don't get this. But then I don't get dance. Funny to watch people dance to it though and take the mickey out of them. But just... not my kind of thing.

American's who wear white socks.
*looks down at white socks.... tucks under chair*

Same could be said about Rugby... after that's just a big bunch of hunk-a-chunks chasing up and down a field after a mis-shaped ball! But that's sport for you! A bit weird but special in their own little ways (Baseball has hotdogs and funny tight lumpy bummed trousers and caps and lots of good films about it!)

Old Folk who moan at young kids.
I guess that's a bad experience for you But don't apply it to all old people! Some have good reason too! Kids today can be little wotsits and deserve to be moaned at *shakes fist at nawty kids* Though there are a good lot of good'uns too IMO

I'm glad we don't all get certain things Who'd want to live in a world like Equilibrium?! (well BBx might but that's only so she could oogle at Christian Bale )
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Old 09-09-2008, 11:26   #10
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I haven't played baseball but I play in the Solent League for Softball (which is a lie, that ball is not at all soft), I'm not sure exactly what it is, but using baseball gloves is awesome, and once you can throw it well you really need them.
Also when you get a good hit and a home run, I guess it's a bit like golf, it's hard to be really really consistent, but those times you get it right...

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