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Old 19-11-2008, 13:31   #31
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Originally Posted by Matblack View Post
It will avoid them but I can catagorically say it won't stop them and when the next one occurs we'll have another enquiry and that might vilify a few people who will have to live their lives having stones thrown at them but it will happen again and again, even if social workers never get sight of the child concerned. The upshot is there are vicious, mentaly ill people out there who will do this kinid of thing and the tigher we try to grasp there will still be cases that slip through, we are already in a situation where administration is outweighing contact time and SWs have less and less time with the families and there will always be professionals from other disiplines like the health services who won't understand or believe the injuries they are seeing are from abuse we can reduce it but not eliminate it.

When something like this does happen again the press will decend like dogs on a rotting corpse and there will be another witch hunt. I am sorry this happened but social workers work to reduce these occurances they won't be able to eliminate them.

The cynic in me agrees with you and I have little optimism left. Ultimately, people will continue looking for scapegoats, the media will continue trying to provide them with one, and the people who are actually out there trying to make a difference will eventually give up and do something else instead. It will be the kids who actually lose out as a result. You'd think there would be some sort of reasonable compromise, but no
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Old 19-11-2008, 13:31   #32
Admiral Huddy
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Originally Posted by Matblack View Post
I am sorry this happened but social workers work to reduce these occurances they won't be able to eliminate them.

I don't think elimination is the debate here. Nor is it anything to do with "scapegoating". It's merely a point of a multiple failure.. In this case, the same department has been the center of controvesy not for the first time. If lessons weren't learnt the first time, then there is surely a serious problem which needs to be addressed..

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Old 19-11-2008, 13:43   #33
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Originally Posted by Admiral Huddy View Post
I don't think elimination is the debate here. Nor is it anything to do with "scapegoating". It's merely a point of a multiple failure.. In this case, the same department has been the center of controvesy not for the first time. If lessons weren't learnt the first time, then there is surely a serious problem which needs to be addressed..
I have CP training every 2 years as does anyone who works with the under 19s, every institution has CP policies and a designated CP officer and procedures to follow. Social services has a dedicated help line to inform them off occurances and we are all trained on joined up thinking and joint working so these things don't happen. In 2010 a new computer system to keep all CP information in one place is supposed to come on stream, it won't, but its supposed to and when it does that'll help too. I can assure you lessons have been learned and the system is being constantly refined.

I feel desperately sorry for the social workers caught up in this, they will be cruicfying themselves they don't need the press stiring up 'teh outrage' as well.


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Old 19-11-2008, 13:55   #34
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Mark Easton has writen a blog post on this, I agree with a lot of what he says and he write a lot better than I do


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Old 19-11-2008, 17:51   #35
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Gordon Brown has insisted those to blame for failures in the Baby P case should be "held accountable".
The Prime Minister pledged to act quickly when the report into the tragedy is published next month.
"It is in all our interests that where there is failure we change the system and where people are to blame for failures they are held accountable," he told MPs at question time.
In a marked change of tone from the ugly exchanges in the Commons last week, Mr Brown said there was "common ground" on the need to take action and Tory leader David Cameron thanked the Prime Minister for setting up an independent inquiry into the case.

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Old 19-11-2008, 20:09   #36
Von Smallhausen
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Example from me.

I attended a job where two kids were knocking on doors wanting food. On arriving I asked them where mam was ?

The reply was she was at court with the youngest child, a baby, and she had left the kids ( both under 12) in the house on their own.

I asked the neighbours some discreet questions and couldn't find out any relatives to take them to so I had no option other than to take them into protective custody and as such a place of safety.

Social Services got involved and the children were returned to the mother. I penned a lengthy CP1 ( Child Protection form ) to the Vulnerability Unit and Social Services.

I got a letter from Social Servies some weeks later that the parent involved declined to take part in parental improvement classes and they considered the matter closed.

I couldn't believe what I was reading.

On the subject of Baby P, heads should roll starting with the appallingly arrogant Ms Shoesmith.

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Old 19-11-2008, 20:18   #37
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Originally Posted by Admiral Huddy View Post
Gordon Brown has insisted those to blame for failures in the Baby P case should be "held accountable".
The Prime Minister pledged to act quickly when the report into the tragedy is published next month.
"It is in all our interests that where there is failure we change the system and where people are to blame for failures they are held accountable" he told MPs at question time.
Strange that Mr Gordon Brown doesn't apply this philosophy to the Banking and Finance community.

Still, I expect that there are far too many of them, and some of them may even be personal friends and/or New Labour donors.
In Italy for 30 years under the Borgias they had warfare, terror, murder, and bloodshed, but they produced Michelangelo, Leonardo da Vinci, and the Renaissance.

In Switzerland they had brotherly love - they had 500 years of democracy and peace, and what did that produce? The cuckoo clock.
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Old 20-11-2008, 08:19   #38
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Originally Posted by AboveTheSalt View Post
Strange that Mr Gordon Brown doesn't apply this philosophy to the Banking and Finance community.
Or even MP's.
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Old 20-11-2008, 11:31   #39
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Originally Posted by Von Smallhausen View Post
Example from me.

I got a letter from Social Servies some weeks later that the parent involved declined to take part in parental improvement classes and they considered the matter closed.

I couldn't believe what I was reading.
Shocking . In this case, declining help should trigger the case to be taken to the next level.. with the child taken into temporary care but not closed.

Originally Posted by AboveTheSalt View Post
Strange that Mr Gordon Brown doesn't apply this philosophy to the Banking and Finance community.
I couldn't agree more. Ideally they should but in reality something had to be done otherwise most of use will be seeing more P45s than we should be. That's a seperate discussion but I share your view on this.

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Old 24-11-2008, 17:01   #40
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Can someone please explain to me how this happens?


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