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Old 27-11-2008, 09:47   #1
The Night Worker
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Default The Tragedy of Suicide

Imogen was found hanged by her father Paul in the bathroom of the family home.

What a horrible story.
R.I.P Imogen.

My favourite relative topped herself after 11 previous attempts & it's something I've never been able to get my head around. I cannot begin to undertsand what that father must be going through now.

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Old 27-11-2008, 11:05   #2
Vodka Martini
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It's terrible when kids feel the pressure to "conform" to what they think society expects them to look like

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Old 27-11-2008, 12:19   #3
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It's something I'll never understand either.
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Old 27-11-2008, 12:59   #4
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It's a shame and pro-suicide sites are the scum of the Earth, but it seems too easy to blame celebrity culture when I don't see that as the case.

There are supermodels and they have been blamed, but at the same time they aren't really seen as icons of the 21st century, most people don't like how Supermodels look - instead it's glorified through the Newspaper media with constant coverage of people like Kate Moss (who, for any women wondering what we (men) think of her - She's a total moose). Another would be TV celebrities, but then again, very few of these are actually super-skinny.

The tragedy of it all of course is that she has done it at the far-too-young age of 13 before her body has even developed. Sadly it's something that is almost unavoidable in the current climate where media attention is stronger than ever.

What is a shame is that she was attracted to the Hollyoaks storyline of Bulemia but never rang the helpline that is mentioned in regards to whatever the current topic is (Bulimia/Bullying/Domestic Violence). It's something more soaps should take the same line.
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Old 27-11-2008, 13:01   #5
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The entire celebrity culture annoys me, idolising people for looking thin or spending a week in the outback eating kangaroo bollocks. The sooner we get over them and stop gleaning standards and principles off them, the better.
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Old 27-11-2008, 15:44   #6
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It's scary stuff.

My ex (yes, I do have one) tried to OD about a year before I met her. She locked herself into her room, took a stack load of pills and spent the night being very, very ill. Her family thought she had drunk too much and they still don't know the truth.

I tried to persuade her to see a doctor, but she refused. I hate to think what's happened to her liver, and god-knows what else.
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Old 28-11-2008, 03:10   #7
Vodka Martini
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Suicide and parasuicide are horrible things. It's sometimes easy to say when life's going really well how stupid these people are but then everybody's got their own story...
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Old 28-11-2008, 19:12   #8
Joey Tempest
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3 of my relatives have committed suicide.
You may see me as heartless but if people are determined to do it, or feel that they have no other way out and refuse to talk about it, then they'll do it, and I don't feel sorry for them for that, I feel sorry for the people they leave behind.

My Ex also tried to OD, I went to see her at the hospital for weeks when she was on the mend, but since being out she's completely changed from who she was, she's a much more negative person and has alienated all the people that cared for her at that time.
No Sig.
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