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Old 02-12-2008, 21:47   #11
Vodka Martini
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I suppose the video achieves what you want it to do in that you sit up and think about how much you spend on people and how much you waste on unnecessary and probably unwanted gifts.

For me I guess I am lucky in that our closest family is five minutes walk away from us and for most of the Xmas we will be spending it with each other, laughing, reminiscing and probably sheding the odd tear here or there. The spirit of Xmas is not entirely lost on us

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Old 02-12-2008, 23:23   #12
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I have always been rubbish with cards, be it birthday, anniversary or xmas - people know this (or should do) by now.
At work we have a poster for staff to write messages to colleagues on and a donation box for Macmillians cancer research instead of buying cards - its something that got suggested a few years back and we've just kinda stuck with it.

Gift wise for a few friends I deliberately buy silly things but never more that £10 each (normally its more like £5), a few others I'll give IOU's for a pint next time we're out. For Mic I give myself a max limit of £100 - some years I've come close, other years I've got bargains and haven't.

I would rather see something I think someone will like during the year and send it on to them rather than wait and buy tat just for the sake of it at xmas.
The look on your face when a toddler rips out your heart and shows it to you? Priceless.... For everything else, there's FWOOSH!

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Old 02-12-2008, 23:28   #13
Penelope Pitstop
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Both Phil's and my Mum have been terrible for buying tat these past few years. We've just about trained my mum, and this year she can't get us anything anyway, and Phil's mum appears to have got the hint this year too as she is giving us money.

I only buy people what they want, unless I know that they are a bit like me and appreciate pretty jewellery, candles and stuff. We're seen as unimaginative as we will ask each family member what they want but, it's just to avoid buying rubbish for people for the sake of it.

This year there's nothing material I want from Phil so I'll probably end up getting nothing.

At work we donate our Xmas card money to the company charity, and this year are donating our secret santa pressie money to it too. I don't support the charity the company supports, so I wont be doing either :/
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Old 02-12-2008, 23:38   #14
Screaming Orgasm
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I'm useless for both really. Cards I'm afraid I tend to only send to close family and make a charity donation for the rest. Present-wise, I ask parents what they want (and they reciprocate). However, sometimes I'll see something I know they'll like and get it as an extra surprise.
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